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List of tuition fees in Slovenia, Hungary, Portugal, Ireland, and Netherlands

    The list below provides a list of European Universities providing low or free tuition fee for students residing within and without Europe Slovenia Slovenia offers free tuition fee for both EU students and international Students residing in countries outside Europe, but have agreement with Slovenia. This offer is valid only within Government owned Universities and… Read More »List of tuition fees in Slovenia, Hungary, Portugal, Ireland, and Netherlands

    Low Tuition Universities in Europe: List of Universities in Portugal, Netherlands and Ukraine Portugal

      Portugal Portugal is the westernmost country in Europe; it is without fail among the continent’s most beautiful countries – Its possible you’re attracted to Portugal by the prospect of living and studying in a mild Mediterranean climate, beautiful seashores and metropolitan cities filled with historic artifacts and cultural buildings. Higher education in Portugal is in… Read More »Low Tuition Universities in Europe: List of Universities in Portugal, Netherlands and Ukraine Portugal

      Application Process, application requirements, Tuition Fees and Deadline for low tuition universities in Portugal

        Before applying to universities in Portugal, ensure you have completed your secondary school studies and have had your secondary school leaving certificate officially stamped and recognized as you will be required to submit these documents during the application process. You may ask for an official recognition of your previous studies at the Portuguese embassy or… Read More »Application Process, application requirements, Tuition Fees and Deadline for low tuition universities in Portugal

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