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Top Tuition Free Universities in the World

If you are looking for university tuition-free and you are not scared of studying abroad, then you’ve come to the right place. In today’s article, we will take a look at top tuition free universities in the world that welcome international students and support them in their educational pursuit. These universities are expecting their students to learn how to manage their monthly expenses while studying. So, here are the universities one should consider. 

Online Options Available Everywhere

Mark Johnson, a researcher of a term paper help online at the US essay writing service says that the trends will slightly evolve to online universities. This trend has been already picked by two universities whose courses are held exclusively online. The fact that you can be part of your courses from anywhere you live allows students to save money and organize their time more efficiently. The benefit of online education is that you can complete it at your own pace. At the same time, you save money as you might not have to pay for accommodation, traveling, or other students’ expenses.

The University of People

The University of People was founded in 2009 and is a distance learning university. Anyone above 18 who completed High School can apply. Even though the courses are entirely free, it charges you around $60 for admission and $120 (undergrad) or $240 (graduate) exam fees that are paid at the end of each course. They also have scholarships to assist students who cannot afford the exam fees. That’s why a lot of young people try to get into this popular institution.

It offers Bachelor and Associates degrees in Health Science, Information Technology, and Business. The University of People also offers Master’s degrees in Business and Education.

The University of People is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission.

IICSE University

IICSE University is a university committed to helping students that want to pursue their educational goals but do not have the means to do it. It is tuition-free but works on the same principle as the University of People. You are required to pay a one-time application fee of $45 and an exam fee of $50 for each course. 

IICSE offers Bachelor’s degrees in over 20 fields from accounting to international relations and nursing to computer science. Masters and PhD degrees are also offered in many fields. IICSE University improves its course delivery every year and raises the leaders of tomorrow.

IICSE is accredited by The International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.

World Education University

World Education University offers a lot of academic courses for students who want to develop and self-improve. It is an online platform that is one оf the mоst learning-friendly available anywhere in the world. You cаn find a wide variety of programs at WEU from diplomas for medical billing or paralegal studies to and MBA or Master of Science in Psychology as well as many programs in between.

There are no tuition fees for learners, but tutoring and some premium content are offered for an additional fee.

WEU is preparing the necessary materials to apply for accreditation.

Options Available in Europe 

Many people around the world fear going to study in Europe because it is expensive. This bohemian perspective on Europe has kept youngsters from pursuing their academic goals here. But there are many countries in Europe that offer benefits to international students, such as tuition-free studies. 


Germany is often seen as a cold country, but here all universities support international students with tuition-free studies. However, some states charge you about 50 euros per semester as a contribution and you might be asked to pay an admission fee of 50 euros. But apart from those, you can study entirely free in Germany. Monthly expenses will be between 500 and 900 euros. 

The best choice for students who want to study in Germany is the University of Munich or Heidelberg University which both have top rankings in the world.


Like Germany, Finland also offers tuition-free courses to international students. There is no discrimination between students and no one will be discriminated against based on their gender, sexual orientation, or home country. As studies are free, international students need to pay attention to their expenses because Finland does not offer scholarships. They are available only for research and doctoral studies. 

Aalto University and the University of Helsinki are famous not only in Finland. Students appreciate the high level of teachers, so this is a great opportunity to study in this wonderful country.


Norway is a pretty expensive country that leads to the development of innovation and technology. They put a great emphasis on the importance of education so they offer tuition-free courses to all international students. This is available for anyone who wants to study and Norway and affords the expensive lifestyle of Norwegians. The annual expenses of living in Norway are around 9200 euros. To study at a university in Norway is completely free. However, some state universities might charge international students for specialized programs and the fees are the same as for Norwegians. 

The top 2 universities in Norway are the University of Oslo and the University of Bergen. After graduation, scholars in the past become qualified specialists that are highly valued worldwide.


Austria does not have tuition-free opportunities for all foreign students. The ones that come from developed countries are required to pay a semester fee that ranges between 400 and 800 euros. Students that come from not so well-developed countries can benefit the tuition-free programs. 

There are many other fees that Austria requires students to pay, such as the membership of the Student Union and the insurance fee, which come to a total of around 20 euros for each semester. The monthly expenses in Austria of a student go around 850 euros per month. Here are included the food, traveling, accommodation, and other student expenses. 

The Medical University of Vienna and the University of Vienna wait for you if you choose Austria. These schools have a lot of talented students, and you can become one of them.

And More…

Other than these, there are many countries that offer tuition free opportunities to international students. The UK, Denmark, France, and Holland are just a few of the most popular choices in Europe. Depending on the domain one wants to gain more knowledge about, Europe is the land of tuition-free universities that support international students in their academic pursuit. 

Some of these universities, such as the ones in the UK, offer tuition-free opportunities but require students to work in the UK for two years after completing their studies. 

Pursuing educational goals in an international setting comes with benefits for the ones that choose to do it. Meeting new people, learning about new cultures, and even tasting different foods will enlarge and develop the perspective on life and way of being.

About the Author

John Dickinson is a well-known journalist and editor in the US. He loves to communicate with people and spend his free time with friends. Find him on Facebook if you want to contact him.

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