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How to Study Medicine in Finland: Tuition Fees and how to Apply

We all know medicine is one of the most difficult and arduous courses of study offered by universities across the world, and certainly among the most important field of human study.  And because it is so important, the ability to gain a different insight or educational perspective, perhaps through the opportunity to study abroad for a portion of your degree, can be super valuable and beneficial.  This article will explain how to study medicine in Finland—and provide important details regarding the country itself, the type of medical courses offered there within the discipline of medicine, and some of the advantages students stand to gain if they choose Finland as a study abroad destination.

The Study of Medicine in Finland’s Universities

Statistically, the largest and most prestigious university at which to pursue Medicine in Finland is the coveted University of Helsinki. The Faculty of Medicine, which was established at the Academy of Turku in the year 1640,latter relocated to Helsinki in 1828 and currently operates on the Meilahti Campus of the University of Helsinki.

The dedicated faculty of the University of Helsinki is renowned for high-quality multidisciplinary research, trains skilled doctors and dentists, supervises students in their research-oriented or professionally oriented postgraduate education and assists researchers and students in establishing international contacts. Currently there are well over 2,500 students undertaking undergraduate, research-oriented or professionally-oriented postgraduate education at the university.

One of the units that helps students meet their educational goals within the UH’s Faculty of Medicine is known as the Institute of Clinical Medicine, which is responsible for educating future physicians from the third year of studies until graduation. There are well over 560 students annually enrolled in the unit. Education happens through lectures and small groups, and the emphasis is always on patient-centered care. With its 43 training programs in specialist medicine, the Institute provides specialist training to meet the needs of the whole nation. In addition, further education is provided on an as-need basis, provided by the Institute’s professors and docents who are in charge of the training.

Finnish Programs may be done English

Please note that on a Master’s degree level, some Medical Sciences programs are actually available in English -So if you find an interesting Medical Sciences program in the database, then connect with the university you are interested in for more info on admission requirements etc. Before applying to a Medical Sciences -related Master’s programme, please ask the university what particular professional qualification the Master’s programme provides you with.

In case you wish to ask for detailed info about your options in Medicine/Dental Medicine on Master’s or PhD level (and also otherwise) you need to be in direct contact with the relevant university Faculties, see listing below.

Faculties of Medicine

University of Helsinki:

University of Eastern Finland:

University of Oulu:

University of Tampere:

University of Turku:

Related Post:How to Study Medicine/Engineering on Low or Free Tuition in Germany

Application Deadline

The application period for those interested to apply for medical or dental degree studies is as follows: the application period starts on 17 March and ends on 9 April at 3.00 pm (GMT +3).

Examinations are written and takes a full day. The entrance examinations are really difficult and it is hard to gain high enough scores to get selected without a thorough understanding of physics, chemistry, and biology. Another thing,the questions are given only in Finnish or Swedish and the answers need to be given in the same language as the questions.

Tuition Fees

Please note that if you are an EU/EEA student, you will not be charged tuition fees, but if you are from elsewhere you are. Tuition fees vary, so do well to connect separately with each university.

How to Apply

Several Finnish Universities employ on-line electronic admissions system for their Bachelor’s and medical programs. You will  be asked to send in copies of your previous educational certificates and other needed documents. Additionally, for medical programs, applicants may be asked to sit for and pass an entrance examination.

Related Post:2019 List of  Cheapest tuition Universities in Finland

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