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List of Top 10 Engineering Universities in the US, Tuition Fees and the Best Paying Engineering Course

engineeringYour motivation to study engineering in the US may be unique, but your ambition and desire is not. Every year, thousands of international students troop to the United States to pursue undergraduate,  and post graduate degrees. Roughly 135,592 international students were admitted into U.S. engineering programs. It is actually one of the most popular fields of studying in the United States.
You may out of preference choose to study engineering for humanitarian reasons or because you really desire a successful career, but no matter your thinking is, know that your engineering talents are in high-demand and you will be needed to change the world.

List of top Engineering Universities

(1)Massachusetts Inst of Technology —$42,000
(2)Stanford University— $45,500
(3)University of California-Berkeley— $12,000
(4)California Institute of Technology— $39,000
(5)University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign— $17,000
(6) University of Michigan —$23,00
(7) Cornell University —$31,000
(8)Carnegie Mellon University
(9)University of Texas at Austin
(10) Purdue University

Best Paying Engineering Course
Petroleum engineering is currently the highest paying Engineering degree.


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