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How to apply to low tuition universities in Hong Kong

There is no gain saying that Hong Kong is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. If you plan to study in Hong Kong as an international student, you can be confident of securing a top notch employment with a world class firm after graduation. Hence, we have compiled a list of low tuition universities in Hong kong as well as the admission requirements, tuition and accommodation cost.

How to apply

  • Endeavor to check your prospective institutions as well as the available courses and choose which ones best suit you.
  • Reach out to these       institutions via email or phone and ask what ever questions that are bothering you. They can give you more information about admission requirements, program-specific criteria, and application deadlines if these are not available online.

                                                                  Admission Requirements

  • Make sure you qualify for admission. International schools and methods of assessment vary widely, as do prerequisites for specific institutions. In general you will need to have completed secondary school, have earned satisfactory results on your country’s Leaving or Aptitude exams, if offered (for example, A Levels, Baccalaureate, SATs, etc.). If English is not your mother tongue, you’ll need to take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), IELTS (International English Language Testing System), or equivalent examinations. Of course, you should contact the institutions for more detailed information.
  • Apply. The timetable for this varies by institution, so make sure to confirm what paperwork you’ll need to do, and when to submit it.

Tuition plus Cost of living

As an international student, the tuition fee of studying in Hong Kong would vary according to your level of study and your choice of programme.

Of course, other than tuition fee, you need to allow for other expenses during your study, for example, course materials, examination fee, and graduation fee, etc. Normal ranges of study-related expenses are as follows –

Item Amount (HK) per year                    US$(per year)
Tuition Fee (for Internationall students) HK$90,000 – HK$265,000 US$11,500 – US$34,000
– Hostel
– Rental for flat (with one bedroom)
HK$15,000 – HK$45,000
HK$96,000 – HK$180,000
US$1,900 – US$5,800
US$12,600 – US$23,000
Living expenses Approx. HK$50,000 Approx. US$6,400
Miscellaneous Approx. HK$15,000 Approx. US$1,900

Before making decision, you are advised to visit institutions’ websites or contact the institutions direct to check out the tuition fees of the programme that you plan to apply.

List of Universities in Hong Kong

University of Hong Kong (HKU) ; The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) ; The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) ; City University of Hong Kong ; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University ; Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) ; Lingnan University (Hong Kong)


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