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Guide on how to Study Medicine in the UK for International Students












Most prospective students perceived it as difficult when it comes knowing how to study medicine in the UK  as an international students. But the opposite is really the case if you have the zeal, academic grades and have sufficient means to fund your tuition. It’s relatively easier to earn a degree in Human Medicine (MBBS) in the UK. One thing applicants need to note is that the cost of education in the UK is relatively costlier than many parts of the world. With that said, the UK institutions of higher learning have world class facilities and conducive environments for learning. Prior to opting for a degree in Medicine, endeavour to take note of the following:

Medicine requires commitment

Studying medicine at the university requires a great deal of commitment. The program duration is usually five or six years with extra training to meet up graduation criteria. It is important that every applicant puts in a lot of efforts and spend less time on activities that are secondary. It is also important that the applicant considers these and be sure it is the right path for them. It’s incredibly rewarding; being a doctor – and can be challenging too. As one intending to study medicine in the university, you need to make a research on what it entails to study medicine in the university and match it to yourself. And if that seems to be the best path for you; then you’re on your way to being a great Doctor already.

Choose your GCSE

Almost all medical schools require good grades in Mathematics, English Language, and Science at GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education). However; some medical schools may not consider any applicant with GCSE grades below “A” in any subject entered for. So, it is very important that prospective students work hard, make A’s and thoroughly revise for the entrance examination into any medical school in the UK.

Choose your A-Levels

Chemistry and Biology are required in most medical schools in the United Kingdom. If you want to study Medicine, this is the foundation. In the United Kingdom, most medical schools require that students take Chemistry and biology at an advanced level. However; highly competitive schools only accept students with “A” grades only. Although in so many other schools, the third subject of preference is Physics; so it is best to check each medical school individually.

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Medical Work Experience

Some institutions may not permit international students to work. However; gaining a work experience in order to build a portfolio for yourself is very crucial. This can help a great deal when you’re writing your personal statement. You could take up job placement in caregiving centers too. Although securing placements in hospitals can be a little competitive so one has to start an early search. You could as well volunteer to help at a local care home as the settings there are also important. Always remember that the medical schools need this experiences and dwells on them much more than freshmen’s knowledge. By the ways; it is not all about making up a list of hospitals or caregiving centers you’ve worked but what you learned over the period.

Sign up and sit for UKCAT

The UK Clinical Aptitude Test also known as UKCAT is a test university authorities use in the admittance of students into UK Medical and Dental Schools. It is a basic requirement for all prospecting applicants into most medical schools in the United Kingdom.

Your overall score in the UKCAT is taken into account when candidates are being selected for the interview. As such, applicants are advised to revise it thoroughly. However; the exam can be entered at any time between July and October. Although applicants are advised to regularly revise and practice test questions; timing themselves and this should take at least four weeks before the date of exams. You can then identify the sections that may seem difficult and focus on them. The skills that make a good doctor is what the university wants to know if you possess. The UKCAT has five sections: Situational Judgment, Abstract Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and Decision Making. Your performance in the test tells the authorities you’re just the best candidate to study medicine.

Choose Medical Schools

Make careful researches on many medical schools and their admission requirements. Choose the one that suits you. Make sure you research and has a good knowledge of the course structure. Know some other things about the school whether your program is an integrated one or a traditional one? Ask questions and know if they use Problem-based learning? Make a list of all the universities and what you like about them in order of priority; not forgetting the tuition and comparing it to your financial status.

Write your Personal Statement

You’d be required to write and submit a personal statement. Your chances of being admitted are greatly increased when you are able to communicate your love for the course in your personal statement.

In your personal statement, you will be expected to answer these questions: why do you want to study medicine? What makes you feel you’re a great fit? How have you explored your interest? At this point, detailing your personal interest, motivation, and passion for medicine is very important. This is where the work experience or volunteer activities you gained at the hospital or homecare center will be a great tool.

Sign up and take the BMAT

The Biomedical Admissions Test also is known as (BMAT) is a test used as a criterion for admission processes for Medicine, Biomedical Sciences and Dentistry in some universities in the united kingdom. However; a good number of the medical schools in the UK require the candidate to sit for the test. The test is specifically designed to test the candidates’ knowledge in mathematics, problem-solving, the ability to think critically and form arguments that are logical and scientific skills. The test is usually sat for in September or November. The test is usually in three sections. Section 1’s problem-solving, Section 2’s Physics, Chemistry and Biology questions and then Section 3’s essay question.

Practice Medicine interview questions

Applicants are advised to practice likely interview questions so as to get conversant with interviews and easy themselves of nervousness that might make them fail the interviews. It is a good idea to re-read your personal statement and work experience diaries so that the experiences are still fresh in your mind. Finally; ensure you know your four pillars; Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-Maleficence, and Justice! They’d help you a great deal!

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