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Free Tuition Community Colleges in the USA




California’s latest budget will cover two free years of community college for first-time, full-time students, announced on Monday by Governor Newsom

Newsom’s new budget for the 2019-2020 fiscal year allocates $42 million in additional funding to further assist an estimated 33,000 eligible students, according to a report by KCRA 

To qualify for free tuition, graduating high school seniors from California need to first secure admission into any of the states 115 community colleges. 

Students must be a first-time college student who is enrolled full-time with a minimum of 12 units per semester.

The state’s Promise Program already waives fees for the first year at California community colleges, and now this new funding will make second year free too.

The cost of tuition at many community colleges is about $46 per units, which averages out to $552 per semester for students studying full-time or $1104 per year. 

Governor Newsom’s budget also provides $41.8 million to increase the number of competitive Cal Grant scholarships that can be used at any CSU, UC, California Community Colleges and qualifying trade schools. 

Related Post:How to Study on Free Tuition in South Korea for International Students

Houston Community College is offering free College degrees for Students

As the national debate over College debt gains universal attention, Houston Community College has launched a new program called Eagle Promise Program to offer free degrees.

The new program will allow qualified spring 2019 high school graduates to earn a degree or certificate in a field of interest for free at HCC. To qualify for this opportunity you must live in the HCC taxing district and also meet income requirements. Eligible students selected for the first batch will have tuition fees covered and get paid a book allowance of up to $500 each semester. You can learn more here. If this HCC program doesn’t apply to you, note that HCC is also offering classes for as low as $20.

Students are queuing up to take $20 college classes at the Houston Community Colleges

Hundreds of college students showed up to Houston Community College for a chance to register for$20 college classes.The campus program director posted a photo on social media showing  the long registration queue. Eligible students can select from five academies: Business,Information Technology, Construction Management, Transportation and Healthcare.

Accepted students pay a $20 fee per class per term. But they must first attend orientation, take pre and post tests, and meet scoring requirements.

The program is designed for people who do not have an associate degree or higher that is recognized in the United States, (Career4U takes those with at least a high school diplomas and certificates), would like to get their high school equivalency (GED, HiSET, TASC) or enhance English language skills, and wish to secure the foundational certifications of a career pathway through HCC. The college stated that an applicant must meet these requirements to be eligible for the program.

For more information, visit

Related Post:How to Study on Free Tuition in Australia for International Students


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