University education in Czech is as old as morden civilization. It dates back to over six hundred years ago when emperor charles IV founded the university of prague. Higher education in Czech is regulated by the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth. The language of instruction in Czech is Czech, but a range of other courses are offered in english for the interest of international students.
The primary requirement for going into a Bachelor´s degree programme or a full Master´s degree programme is the completion of an accredited secondary general education or vocational education school-leaving examination. However, for fine arts degrees, students who have had their “absolutorium” from a conservatoire would definitely be admitted. Admission to a follow-up Master´s degree programme is dependent on the completion of a Bachelor´s degree programme or an equivalent. Admission to Doctoral studies equally depends on the successful completion of a Master´s degree programme.. Students may apply for several study programmes at various institutions and faculties.
The GENERAL deadline for submitting all applications is usually the end of February or March. Most higher education institutions offer the option of using an online application portal to submit applications.
University education at higher institutions is free of charge for individuals of of all coutries. Howvwer, there are a couple of exceptions if individuals are pursuing the following:
* administration of admission proceedings;
* extending the duration of study beyond a set limit;
*study of an additional programme to the original studied;
* study in a foreign language.
International students with visas can be employed, but are expected to have a legitimate job permit. Job permits are not needed only if the student is 26 years old or above and works not longer than 7 consecutive calendar days or 30 days a year in total.
It is of interest to note that costs covering your stay in czech would be greatly lower than the cost in any west European country. Expenses covering food, accomodation, and public transportation amount to about 350-750 USD/month. However, this cost could be lower or higher depending on the student’s lifestyle and her budget. The prices can also vary greatly depending on where you stay.