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Top 8 Tools That Should Help You Write Admission and Scholarship Essay

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College admissions are not that easy. You are happy about the process, since it opens the doors to a bright future. However, you’re getting nervous about the high standards and fierce competitions in the admission process. You know you have to write the perfect admissions essay, which will prove you deserve your spot in a prestigious institution. Also you will have to apply to scholarship programs and grants, which also demand essays as part of the application process.

Why is essay writing very challenging? These are personal essays, so you have to write alot about yourself. It is never an easy task to talk about your goals and capacity without sounding egocentric. So what do you do? Do you immediately hire a professional writing service? We advice that you try to write these essays before you decide to get help with them.

The following tools that will make the process easier. We’ll list the most effective ones:

  1. Ms Lenihan’s Essay Tools

Ms Lenihan has a purpose: The purpose is to students to improve their academic writing skills. In this list of tools, you’ll find great tutorials on how to compose an essay outline, thesis statement, and an excellent essay with all its elements. Also, you’ll find a list of transitional keywords, tips on how to integrate quotations, and a sample first page of a nicely written essay.

With these tips, you should be ready to start tackling your scholarships and admissions essays.

  1. 10 Tips for Writing the College Application Essay

This online guide is provided by U.S. News – a resource you’ve definitely explored when you were considering what colleges to apply to. It’s a detailed, straight-forward guide that tells you what a great application essay should contain.

The tips are a bit generic and they lack practical examples, but they help you realize whether or not your current strategy is working. If you notice that your writing lacks some of the aspects mentioned in this guide, work on them.

  1. Essay Forum

If you need ideas and tips, or maybe you want to know more about essay writing in general, this forum helps you connect with people who have the answers you need. The best way to use this forum is to make good use of the search bar before you ask something, since the answers may already be there. If you can’t find what you need, feel free to start a thread on that topic.

  1. The Personal Essay

Application essays are personal essays, and that’s exactly what makes them so challenging to prepare. This is a clear guide on how to write personal essays, with a rather silly sample at the end. It’s fun to read, and that’s exactly why it works for people. At the end of the guide, you should find questions that help you analyze that essay. If it have a point, what is it and how did you become aware of it? You’ll get other questions to answer.

This analysis will help you figure out where you’re making mistakes and the things you’re doing well in your own essays. You can use the same questions to evaluate your writing.

  1. Today’s Best College Essays

Whenever a student needs some inspiration for essay writing, they head over to Teen Ink. This is a great online source of essay samples on all kinds of topics. Read few great essays to get inspired. However, you have to keep in mind that you mustn’t copy, paraphrase, or rewrite other people’s essays. Don’t get too inspired. Read through the essays and that will help you get your own, unique ideas.

  1. Copyscape

If you are not sure if your application essay is completely free of plagiarism, or hhat if you forgot to reference a quote? Copyscape will help you figure all these things out. It’s a plagiarism detection tool that will warn you about the parts that essay that came from other online resources. This is a premium tool. If you want a free one, you can try PlagTracker.

  1. Story2

Story2 is an online program that gives you a method for building a portfolio of stories that differentiate you from other applicants. It is aimed at improving your writing and speaking ability. The website is a bit scarce on information.

It’s not easy to figure out what exactly you get if you start using the story2 tool. However, there’s a support system that works well, so you can reach out to them at any time. It’s still a great tool that can help you improve your writing skills and ability.


This is a perfect online writing community that’s free to join. It’s a creative environment that will force you to develop unique writing skills that express your personality.

You can ask for constructive criticism from the writers at the website. This will help you improve your writing ability for the scholarship and admissions essays. However, the skills you get through your activity in this community will also assist you deal with all essays, research papers, and other types of papers you’re about to face in your college.

The scholarship and admissions essays may not be the most challenging papers you’ll ever write, but they certainly make you nervous at this point. Try and work on your confidence. You can do it! The least you could do is try. If it doesn’t work, you’ll always have the writing service as a last-minute solution.


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