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Study Abroad in Indonesia

Indonesia, an archipelago comprising over 17,000 islands, is renowned for its diverse culture, stunning landscapes, and vibrant traditions. As a rapidly developing country with a strong emphasis on education and innovation, Indonesia offers a unique and enriching environment for international students. This guide provides essential information about studying in Indonesia, including educational opportunities, living conditions, and cultural insights.

Basic Facts

  • Official name: Republic of Indonesia
  • Capital city: Jakarta
  • Major cities: Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Yogyakarta
  • Population: Approximately 273 million
  • Official language: Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
  • Currency: Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)
  • Time zones: Western Indonesia Time (WIB) UTC +7, Central Indonesia Time (WITA) UTC +8, Eastern Indonesia Time (WIT) UTC +9
  • Climate: Tropical climate with a wet season (November to March) and a dry season (April to October)
  • Government type: Presidential republic

Education System Overview

  • Indonesia’s education system includes primary, secondary, and tertiary levels.
  • Higher education is provided by public and private universities, polytechnics, and vocational schools.
  • The primary language of instruction is Indonesian, but many universities offer programs in English, especially at the postgraduate level.

Top Universities in Indonesia

University of Indonesia (UI)

Location: Depok, West Java

  • Founded: 1849
  • Type: Public
  • Reputation: UI is the oldest and one of the most prestigious universities in Indonesia, known for its extensive academic programs and strong emphasis on research.
  • Popular Programs: Medicine, Engineering, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Economics.
    International Student Perspective:
  • Language: Many programs are offered in English, especially at the postgraduate level, though the primary language of instruction is Indonesian.
  • Support Services: UI offers comprehensive support for international students, including orientation programs, language courses, housing assistance, and cultural integration activities.
  • Campus Life: The university has a vibrant campus with numerous student organizations, cultural events, and recreational facilities. Its location near Jakarta provides easy access to urban amenities and cultural attractions.
Gadjah Mada University (UGM)

Location: Yogyakarta

  • Founded: 1949
  • Type: Public
  • Reputation: UGM is one of the largest and most influential universities in Indonesia, known for its strong focus on research and community service.
  • Popular Programs: Medicine, Engineering, Law, Social Sciences, and Agriculture.
    International Student Perspective:
  • Language: While many postgraduate programs are available in English, the primary language of instruction is Indonesian.
  • Support Services: UGM provides a range of support services for international students, including orientation, language support, housing, and academic advising.
  • Campus Life: The university has an active campus life with a variety of student clubs, cultural activities, and sports facilities. Yogyakarta is known for its vibrant arts scene and cultural heritage.
Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)

Location: Bandung, West Java

  • Founded: 1920
  • Type: Public
  • Reputation: ITB is renowned for its excellence in engineering and technology, and it is considered one of the top technical universities in Indonesia.
  • Popular Programs: Engineering, Science, Architecture, and Business Management.
    International Student Perspective:
  • Language: Many postgraduate programs are offered in English, though undergraduate courses are primarily in Indonesian.
  • Support Services: ITB offers various support services for international students, including orientation programs, language courses, housing assistance, and student counseling.
  • Campus Life: ITB has a dynamic campus with numerous student organizations, cultural events, and modern facilities. Bandung is known for its pleasant climate and creative industry.
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

Location: Bogor, West Java

  • Founded: 1963
  • Type: Public
  • Reputation: IPB is highly regarded for its focus on agriculture, forestry, and veterinary sciences.
  • Popular Programs: Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Sciences, and Food Technology.
    International Student Perspective:
  • Language: Most programs are taught in Indonesian, with some postgraduate courses available in English.
  • Support Services: IPB provides support services such as orientation, language courses, housing, and academic advising for international students.
  • Campus Life: The university is located in a serene environment conducive to study, with various student activities and access to nature-related recreational activities. Bogor is known for its botanical gardens and research institutions.
Diponegoro University (UNDIP)

Location: Semarang, Central Java

  • Founded: 1957
  • Type: Public
  • Reputation: UNDIP is known for its strong academic programs and research, particularly in engineering, law, and social sciences.
  • Popular Programs: Engineering, Law, Social Sciences, Economics, and Health Sciences.
    International Student Perspective:
  • Language: Courses are primarily taught in Indonesian, with some postgraduate programs available in English.
  • Support Services: UNDIP offers support services for international students, including orientation programs, language support, housing, and student counseling.
  • Campus Life: The university has an active campus life with a variety of student clubs, cultural events, and sports facilities. Semarang is a historic city with a rich cultural heritage and vibrant urban life.

These universities in Indonesia provide a range of academic programs and supportive environments for international students. While the primary language of instruction is Indonesian, many universities offer postgraduate programs in English and provide various support services to help international students integrate and succeed in their studies.

Popular Courses and Programs in Indonesia

Studying in Indonesia offers a range of unique opportunities across various fields, leveraging the country’s rich cultural heritage, diverse ecosystems, and strategic economic position in Southeast Asia. Here are some distinctive aspects of academic programs and courses available in Indonesia:

Marine Biology and Oceanography
  • Programs: Marine Biology, Oceanography, Environmental Science.
  • Opportunities:
    • Biodiversity Hotspot: Indonesia is located in the Coral Triangle, the global center of marine biodiversity, providing unparalleled opportunities for studying coral reefs, marine ecosystems, and conservation efforts.
    • Field Research: Extensive opportunities for hands-on field research in places like Raja Ampat, Bali, and Komodo National Park, focusing on marine biodiversity, fisheries management, and the impact of climate change on marine environments.
    • Collaboration with NGOs: Work with organizations dedicated to marine conservation, such as the Coral Triangle Initiative and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
Cultural and Religious Studies
  • Programs: Anthropology, Sociology, Religious Studies, Cultural Studies.
  • Opportunities:
    • Cultural Diversity: Indonesia’s diverse population includes over 300 ethnic groups and numerous languages, offering rich fieldwork opportunities to study indigenous cultures, traditions, and languages.
    • Religious Studies: Explore Indonesia’s unique blend of religions, including Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity, with programs that may include field studies in Bali, Yogyakarta, and other culturally significant areas.
    • Historical Research: Engage in research projects related to Indonesia’s historical sites, such as Borobudur and Prambanan temples, which are UNESCO World Heritage sites.
Agricultural Sciences
  • Programs: Agronomy, Agricultural Economics, Sustainable Agriculture.
  • Opportunities:
    • Sustainable Farming Practices: Study sustainable agriculture in a country where agriculture is a key part of the economy, focusing on tropical crops like rice, coffee, cocoa, and palm oil.
    • Field Research: Participate in projects aimed at improving agricultural productivity, pest management, and sustainable farming practices.
    • Collaboration with International Organizations: Work with agencies such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on agricultural development projects.
Public Health and Medicine
  • Programs: Public Health, Medicine, Nursing, Epidemiology.
  • Opportunities:
    • Community Health Programs: Focus on public health issues pertinent to Indonesia, such as infectious diseases, maternal and child health, and health education.
    • Clinical Training: Practical training in hospitals and community health centers across the country.
    • Research and Collaboration: Engage in health research projects in collaboration with organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and local health departments.
Engineering and Technology
  • Programs: Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Science.
  • Opportunities:
    • Infrastructure Projects: Participate in infrastructure development projects, including transportation, water supply, and renewable energy initiatives.
    • Technological Innovation: Engage in technological research and innovation projects addressing local challenges, such as disaster resilience and smart city initiatives.
    • Industry Collaboration: Work with local industries and international companies through internships and research collaborations.
Business and Economics
  • Programs: Business Administration, Economics, Finance, Entrepreneurship.
  • Opportunities:
    • Emerging Markets: Study business and economics in the context of an emerging market. Indonesia’s growing economy provides a dynamic environment for understanding business development, trade, and economic policies.
    • Entrepreneurship: Engage in entrepreneurship programs that support innovative business ideas and startups, particularly in sectors like technology and e-commerce.
    • Internships: Gain practical experience through internships with local and international businesses, NGOs, and government institutions.

Additional Opportunities

  • Language Programs: Many universities offer Indonesian language programs, helping international students integrate and communicate effectively.
  • Study Abroad and Exchange Programs: Universities in Indonesia often have partnerships with international institutions, offering opportunities for study abroad and exchange programs.

These programs and opportunities make studying in Indonesia a unique and enriching experience for international students, offering both academic excellence and deep cultural immersion.

Admission Requirements

  • Completion of secondary education equivalent to the Indonesian high school diploma (SMA/SMK).
  • Proficiency in Indonesian or English, depending on the language of instruction.
  • Specific program requirements may include entrance exams, portfolios, or interviews.

Cost of Education

  • Tuition fees for international students vary by institution and program, typically ranging from USD 1,500 to USD 5,000 per year.
  • Scholarships and financial aid are available through various government and institutional programs, as well as international organizations.

Living Costs and Accommodation

  • The cost of living in Indonesia is relatively low, with monthly expenses, including accommodation, food, and transportation, ranging from USD 300 to USD 700.
  • Accommodation options include university dormitories, private rentals, and shared apartments.
  • Health insurance is recommended for all students and can be arranged through the university or private providers.

Visa and Immigration to Indonesia

To study in Indonesia, foreign students need to obtain a student visa, commonly referred to as a VITAS (Visa Izin Tinggal Terbatas) which is then converted to a KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas) upon arrival. Here are the key steps and requirements for the process:

  1. Valid Passport: Must be valid for at least six months from the date of entry.
  2. Acceptance Letter: Proof of acceptance from an Indonesian educational institution.
  3. Study Permit: Issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Education.
  4. Visa Application Form: Completed and signed.
  5. Passport-sized Photos: Recent photos meeting specific requirements.
  6. Financial Proof: Evidence that you have sufficient funds to cover your stay in Indonesia (minimum of USD 2,000).
  7. Health Certificate: Proof of good health.
  8. Letter of Financial Guarantee: From a sponsor or yourself, showing you can support your living and study expenses.
  9. Academic Records: Copies of your academic transcripts and records.
  10. Curriculum Vitae (CV): A detailed CV.
  11. Police Registration: You must register with the local police upon arrival to obtain a Police Report Letter (STM).
Application Process:
  1. Apply for a Study Permit: Your university in Indonesia will help you apply for a study permit from the Ministry of Education. This permit is essential and must be obtained before applying for the visa.
  2. Apply for VITAS: Once you have your study permit, you can apply for the VITAS at the Indonesian Embassy or Consulate in your country. This involves submitting your study permit, acceptance letter, financial proof, and other required documents.
  3. Convert VITAS to KITAS: After arriving in Indonesia, you need to visit the local immigration office within 30 days to convert your VITAS into a KITAS. This involves additional documentation and fees.
  4. Register with Police: Obtain a Police Report Letter (STM) and register with the local municipality’s population office to receive your Certificate of Registration for Temporary Resident (SKPPS).
Visa Fees:
  • The cost of the visa application fee is typically around USD 150.
  • Additional costs may apply for converting the VITAS to a KITAS and for police registration.
  • The VITAS is valid for up to six months initially.
  • The KITAS can be issued for up to one year and is renewable depending on the length of your study program.
Important Notes:
  • Ensure you comply with all local laws and regulations.
  • You are not permitted to work with a student visa in Indonesia.
  • Keep your health insurance updated and adhere to vaccination requirements.

For more detailed information, you can visit the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website or contact the nearest Indonesian embassy or consulate.

Cultural and Social Experiences in Indonesia

International students in Indonesia can anticipate a culturally rich and socially dynamic experience in a country renowned for its diverse traditions and warm hospitality. Indonesia, an archipelago with over 17,000 islands, is home to a myriad of ethnic groups, each with distinct languages, customs, and cultural practices. Students will have the opportunity to participate in and observe a variety of traditional festivals such as Nyepi (the Balinese Day of Silence), Idul Fitri (marking the end of Ramadan), and the Javanese Sekaten. These festivals showcase Indonesia’s vibrant music, dance, and art, offering deep insights into the country’s rich cultural heritage.

Social life in Indonesia is characterized by a strong sense of community and hospitality. Indonesians are known for their friendliness and openness, making it easy for international students to form meaningful connections and feel welcomed. Communal activities, often centered around food, play a significant role in social interactions. Students can enjoy a wide array of traditional dishes such as nasi goreng (fried rice), sate (skewered and grilled meat), and rendang (spicy beef stew), typically shared in a communal setting that fosters a sense of belonging.

The country’s diverse landscapes, from the tropical beaches of Bali and Lombok to the lush rainforests of Sumatra and the cultural heartland of Yogyakarta, provide numerous opportunities for exploration and adventure. Outdoor activities such as hiking, snorkeling, and visiting ancient temples like Borobudur and Prambanan offer students a chance to connect with Indonesia’s natural beauty and historical sites. The bustling cities like Jakarta and Bandung offer a mix of modern amenities and traditional markets, providing a vibrant urban experience where students can immerse themselves in local culture and daily life.

Employment Opportunities

  • International students can work part-time during their studies, with restrictions on the number of hours and type of work.
  • Post-graduation opportunities exist in fields such as technology, business, healthcare, and environmental management.
  • Proficiency in Indonesian can enhance employment prospects, though English is also widely used in business and academic settings.

Health and Safety

  • Indonesia has a developing healthcare system with both public and private healthcare facilities available.
  • Health insurance is recommended for all students.
  • While Indonesia is generally safe, students should stay informed about local conditions and follow safety guidelines provided by their institutions and embassies.

Travel and Transportation in Indonesia

Studying in Indonesia as an international student provides a wealth of cultural, historical, and natural attractions. Here are some things you don’t want to miss, along with details about transportation:

Cultural and Historical Experiences
  • Historical Sites:
    • Borobudur Temple: A UNESCO World Heritage site, this 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist temple in Central Java is the world’s largest Buddhist temple.
    • Prambanan Temple: Another UNESCO site, this 9th-century Hindu temple complex in Yogyakarta is dedicated to the Trimurti, the three highest gods in Hinduism.
  • Museums and Art:
    • National Museum of Indonesia (Jakarta): Offers a comprehensive collection of artifacts and exhibitions on Indonesia’s history and culture.
    • Ubud Art Market (Bali): A vibrant market where you can find traditional arts, crafts, and textiles.
  • Festivals:
    • Nyepi (Day of Silence): Celebrated in Bali, this Hindu festival marks the Balinese New Year with a day of silence, fasting, and meditation.
    • Waisak (Vesak Day): A significant Buddhist festival celebrated at Borobudur, marking the birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha.
  • Cultural Villages:
    • Tenganan Village (Bali): One of Bali’s oldest villages, known for its well-preserved culture and traditions.
    • Baduy Village (West Java): Home to the Baduy people, who live in a traditional and isolated manner, preserving their customs and way of life.
Natural Wonders
  • Beaches:
    • Kuta Beach (Bali): Famous for its surfing, vibrant nightlife, and beautiful sunsets.
    • Pink Beach (Komodo Island): Known for its unique pink sand and clear waters, perfect for snorkeling and diving.
  • National Parks:
    • Komodo National Park: Home to the famous Komodo dragons and offering opportunities for diving and exploring pristine landscapes.
    • Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park: Features the iconic Mount Bromo, an active volcano offering spectacular views and hiking trails.
  • Lakes:
    • Lake Toba (Sumatra): The largest volcanic lake in the world, surrounded by stunning scenery and traditional Batak villages.
  • Islands:
    • Gili Islands (Lombok): A group of three small islands known for their crystal-clear waters, vibrant coral reefs, and laid-back atmosphere.
Educational Opportunities
  • Language Learning:
    • Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) is the official language, but learning some basic phrases in local languages like Javanese or Sundanese can enhance your experience.
  • Local Universities:
    • Institutions like Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta, Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, and Institut Teknologi Bandung offer diverse programs and research opportunities for international students.
  • Public Transport:
    • TransJakarta: A bus rapid transit system in Jakarta offering an affordable and efficient way to navigate the city.
    • KRL Commuterline: A commuter rail system serving Greater Jakarta and nearby regions, providing a convenient way to travel.
  • Motorcycle Taxis:
    • Gojek and Grab: Popular ride-hailing apps offering motorcycle and car taxi services, which are fast and affordable for short distances.
  • Intercity Travel:
    • Trains: The railway network connects major cities on Java and Sumatra. The Argo Parahyangan train, for example, offers scenic routes between Jakarta and Bandung.
    • Buses: Long-distance buses connect cities and towns across the archipelago. Companies like DAMRI and PO Harapan Jaya offer reliable services.
  • Domestic Flights:
    • Airlines: Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, and AirAsia operate numerous domestic flights, making it easy to travel between islands.
  • Ferries and Boats:
    • Pelni Ferries: The state-run ferry service connects various islands, offering an affordable way to explore the archipelago.
    • Fast Boats: Private operators offer fast boat services between popular tourist destinations like Bali, Lombok, and the Gili Islands.
Practical Tips
  • Safety:
    • Indonesia is generally safe, but it’s important to stay informed about local conditions and exercise caution in crowded areas. Avoid traveling alone at night and keep your belongings secure.
  • Health:
    • Ensure you have all necessary vaccinations and consider travel insurance. Be cautious with food and water hygiene to avoid illnesses. It’s advisable to drink bottled or boiled water.
  • Cultural Sensitivity:
    • Respect local customs and dress modestly, especially in rural areas and religious sites. Engaging with local traditions and etiquette will enhance your experience.

By immersing yourself in these aspects of Indonesia, you can make the most of your time as an international student and gain a deeper understanding of the country’s rich cultural and natural heritage.

Testimonials and Case Studies

  • Studying at the University of Indonesia has provided me with a top-quality education and the opportunity to immerse myself in Indonesian culture.” – Maria, a student from Spain.
  • The innovative programs and supportive community at Gadjah Mada University have made my study abroad experience unforgettable.” – John, a student from Nigeria.

Useful Resources and Contacts


Indonesia offers a unique and enriching educational experience for students interested in fields such as engineering, business, medicine, and environmental science. With its low living costs, rich cultural heritage, and world-renowned universities, Indonesia is an attractive destination for students seeking a comprehensive and impactful educational journey.


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