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Top 5 scholarship Interview Questions and How to respond

interviewOn a daily basis, hundreds of scholarships are advertised and awarded to international students who would not have been able to pay the cost of such tertiary programs. Before such scholarships are awarded, students will be required to sit in for interviews which can be challenging. Click here for more information on how to write a killer scholarship essay.

Considering that there a lot of applications for scholarship spots, your responses during scholarship interviews can make or mar your chances of getting a scholarship.

When going for interviews, applicants have to be composed and relaxed. It is important you prove to the panel how and why you need the scholarship without coming across as unserious or begging.

Question 1: Introduce yourself

In most cases, interviewers know little or nothing about you, the closest they have come is through your application form. Therefore the purpose of the interview is to enable them learn more about you. It is therefore important, that you explain just how important it is for you to study at their university with a scholarship. Explain your financial situation to the panel as well

Question 2: why did you choose this school and the course of study?

You should show to the scholarship panel how your interests and passions are related to what you want to study and offer sound reasons why you’ve chosen the school and the course. When answering a question like this, place a lot of emphasis on the future, explaining what you want to do after school and what you will like to achieve if offered the scholarship.

Questions 3:  How do you intend to use your scholarship?

This is asked to see how responsible an applicant is. When answering this question, it is important you give a proper and comprehensive analysis of just how you will utilize the scholarship money, explaining the cost of feeding, accommodation, books etc.

Question 4: Why do you think you deserve the scholarship?

Once again in this situation it is good for you to do an analysis and it could be written down on a paper for better clarification which interviewers appreciate a lot. Give reasons why you deserve and need the scholarships such as you having better qualifications.




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