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Top 5 Cheapest or Low Tuition Universities in Brazil for International Students





 The nation of Brazil was filled with fascinating mysteries and secrets until an expedition was sent into the Amazons. Filled with different animals, the jungles of Amazons still has some secrets that scientists have been trying to uncover. Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world, and it is also one of the world’s largest exporters of coffee since there are many coffee trees in this country.

Also, the Amazon river is actually the largest river in the world by volume, and there are millions of unique animal and plant species in Brazil. You might be wondering that you need to go into the Amazons to find animals, but that is not entirely true. The sea coast of Brazil has an countless amount of fishes, dolphins, turtles, and even whales!

Top Ranked Universities in Brazil with Low Tuition

University of Sao Paulo (USP)

The University of Sao Paulo is well-known as the best university in the country of Brazil, and it is the cheapest for international students since it offers free education to admitted students. Because of its reputation and its free tuition, the competition for admission is quite high, so be prepared to put in your best when applying to USP.

It is interesting to note that 14 of the 41 presidents of Brazil have studied in the University of Sao Paulo prior to pursuing their Government career. Many international students are attracted to USP due to these perks and more, and many have complete their USP education before advancing their careers. Focused on science and technology, USP is one of the leading universities in research, and they continue to amaze the world by building more and more modern research centers.

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Since this is a federal institution, UFRGS offers free tuition education to even international students, but the cost that you are supposed to cater are food, housing, and other events that require money. The tuition fee is covered, but note that it is not a full-ride scholarship so you need to plan to cater for your living costs and traveling fees.

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Many students think that getting free tuition means they would study absolutely for free, but that is not really the case.There are other fees that you need to take care of, so it is important to have a financial backup when applying to only-tuition free colleges.

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

Unlike the others, PUC-Rio is a private institution of higher learning that offers education with Christianity principles. Admitting all kinds of students with different religions and backgrounds, PUC-Rio is steadily growing in its student population. Although PUC-Rio offers a great education to students, keep in mind that it charges a tuition fee, while public universities do not.

Because of this particular difference, most students do not really apply to private universities, but rather apply in large numbers for public universities that offer free tuition and sometimes better education. If you wish for less competition, apply for admission in private institutions since most local students apply to the public institutions.

Federal University of Santa Catarina(UFSC)

Situated in a beautiful landscape, UFSC offers free education to  admitted students, and it is one of the top ranked universities in Brazil and across Latin America. Having four different campuses nationwide, UFSC currently contain about 50,000 people, and 30,000 of UFSC are undergraduate students. Because of their accredited teaching and learning friendly environment, UFSC has more than 300 partnerships with prestigious Universities worldwide.

They focus primarily on undergraduate students by offering more than 100 undergraduate different programs. There are almost 70 programs available for masters and about 50 programs for doctoral students. Even though they have many strategic international partnerships, this School is constantly increasing their numbers to allow students  have a wider selection when they travel out for exchange programs.

The Federal University of ABC (UFABC)

Founded in 2006, the Federal University of ABC is one of the youngest institutions of learning in the country of Brazil. While partly under construction, the campuses of UFABC have gained a reputation for good teaching and even better research. UFABC adopts a liberal arts approach, by teaching their student in a general way, and narrowing in on the student’s majors as the years progress.

Because of their strong focus on research, the programs of UFABC are designed to train researchers to fit their own needs. Graduates of UFABC are pleased to stay at their home university to undertake research, but majority of them go beyond their comfort zone to accomplish great things.

Conclusion: In Brazil, Public University = Free Tuition

Since most of these popular universities are partially or fully backed by the government, they offer free tuition even to international students. It is interesting that majority of the top universities in Brazil are public universities, which is the reason the country is noted for having some of cheapest universities for international students. Good luck on your educational adventure!

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