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Study Medicine in Finland: List of Free Tuition Medical Universities, How to Apply and Application Deadlines

finlandJust recently, the Finnish educational system was ranked the best in the world in 2012. This impressive ranking shouldn’t be surprising, for Finnish students are hard workers and super motivated to study. Unlike what obtains in most European countries, their international students do have a really strong influence on the quality of education they reserve. Actually, there is a law in place that allows their students the ability to actively develop their educational institutions and studies along with their teachers.

It might interest you to know that studying in Finland is uniquely independent.

The institutions use well tested innovative studying methods in their classes. For example, a problem-based learning method is widely used at their polytechnics and universities for many years. Teaching methods in Finland are never authoritarian, but one based on discussion, teamwork, and students finding and organizing information for themselves.

How to Apply

Most Finnish Universities use an on-line electronic admissions system for their Bachelor’s and medical programs intake. You will also be required to send in copies of your previous educational certificates and other needed documents. Additionally, for medical programs, their applicants may be required to sit for and pass an entrance examination.


The application period begins somewhat around November and runs until February however, it would be great to check in with the institution you are applying to actually know when the deadline is for their medical program.

Free Tuition Universities

*University of Kuopio, Faculty of Medicine

*University of Oulu, Faculty of Medicine

*University of Tampere, Medical School

*University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine

*University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine


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