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Study in Europe: How to apply to Universities in Switzerland

switxerland 101Switzerland is one of the wealthiest and most productive countries in the world with one of the best international student support programs. We will take you through the admission process and how to apply for both undergraduate and Master’s programs. It might also interest you to know that most Bachelor’s programs are taught in one of the following country’s official languages: German, French and Italian. However, you may also study in English, since there is an increasing number of a master’s and PhD program addressed to international students.

General requirements

Undergraduate studies

Each university or college in Switzerland is directly responsible for reading and evaluating your application for admission. This is done to determine if your previous qualifications are enough to qualify you for an undergraduate degree. That said, if you have successfully completed your secondary studies and are in possession of a valid secondary school leaving certificate as well as qualify for university education in your home country, you may qualify for university studies in Switzerland. In some cases, you are also required to take additional qualifying courses.

Master’s studies

If you are applying for a master’s program at university in Switzerland, you are required to be in possession of a relevant bachelor’s degree diploma.

Application deadlines in Switzerland

As it is the case with most European countries, Switzerland’s academic year is divided into two semesters

  • Fall semester: This usually runs from September through December
  • Spring semester: It goes from February through June

As much as application deadlines for universities vary in Switzerland depending on the study program and the university or college, international students are highly usually required to submit their applications in the Spring semester for studies beginning the following academic year.

How to apply for university admission in Switzerland

Whether you want to study a bachelor’s, master’s or PhD degree in Switzerland, you will be required to submit your application to the university or college of your interest. Your school will examine the submitted documentation, will check whether you are eligible for the study program or course you applied for and will issue a proof of registration in the event you are finally admitted.

In general, universities and colleges in Switzerland ask foreign students to submit the documentation described below in order to evaluate their academic eligibility:

  • The filled-in application form for the selected study program or course. Most schools in Switzerland have online application systems
  • A recent passport-sized photo
  • A notarized copy of your foreign certificates. If you are applying for first-cycle studies (undergraduate), you will have to submit a notarized copy of your school-leaving certificates. If you are applying for a second-cycle program (master’s), you will have to submit a notarized copy of your bachelor’s degree. And if you are applying for a PhD degree, you will have to submit a notarized copy of your master’s diploma

We recommend you check with your university or college if you need to submit additional documentation.

Tuition Fees

In general, foreign students must pay registration fees of approximately EUR 50 – 80. Tuition fees for foreign students range from ca. EUR 750 to EUR 3000 per semester depending on the school.







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