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Study in Europe: Cost of Living in Germany, Ukraine and Russia


berkeleyAlthough it’s well known that Germany enjoys one of the highest standards of living, however, the living expenses are affordable when compared with other countries in Europe. Be informed that living expenses in Germany will depend greatly on the lifestyle, city and type of accommodation you’ll choose. Statistically, its been proven that Germans and international students spend roughly 1/3rd of their tax free income on accommodation. In a nutshell, you should expect to spend roughly €450 on living expenses.

*Rent & Utilities: €200

*Private accommodation > €300

*Shared flat or Student residence around €200

-*Internet & Mobile phone –  €30

*Mobile flat rate – €15

*Internet DSL flat rate – €15

*A separate section is dedicated for a detailed analysis of mobile & DSL contracts

* Health insurance – €60

*A separate section is dedicated for a detailed analysis of popular health insurance options

*Food & Drinks – €125

*Miscellaneous expenditure – €50

The above cost is an estimate of what a student should spend. But these costs vary greatly depending on a students spending power.


If you want to live comfortably in Ukraine as a student, you’ll need to have roughly USD1200 to USD 1500 per year for your living costs, not including the cost of your tuition. You’ll realize that the cost of living in Ukraine is a lot cheaper when compared with most European countries. It is really hard to give fixed figure owing to differences in the student lifestyle. Approximate costs are given below.


The stationary needed by student is a lot cheaper for instance, a bundle of 1500 rough papers would costs 2 US$. Pen, are a lot cheaper as well.


Be informed that text books are provided by University Library.


Food in Ukraine is extremely cheap for instance; with 1.5USD a student can comfortably buy 4 Kg of POTATOS, or 4 KG of ONIONS or 3 liter of milk etc. Milk products are equally very cheap as well



There are usually two types of accommodation for international students in Russia- the hostel and the off campus accommodations. The Cost of hostel accommodation ranges from $150-$200 per month. Off campus accommodation are usually expensive.


Food is very cheap in Russia. A student can spend between 150-200 per month, depending on his eating habit. There are many different varieties of food in any given Russian institution for an international student to choose from.




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