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austria 3Australia is a very safe and friendly country to study in. Australia has a reputation for welcoming international students from over 250 countries for undergraduate and post graduate programs.

You’ll be awestruck by the friendliness and hospitality of  Australians once you step into their country. Its home away from home! Political, economic and social unrest are minimal in Australia, strict gun control laws provide a safe environment to study in.

Australians love the huge cultural and social diversity international students bring to their campuses and communities; so they go out of their way to ensure a safe academic environment for their students and make them enjoy life the Australian way.


While International students are free to work and study to support their degree programs however, they must show sufficient proof of financial ability to finance their living cost while in Australia. This ensures  students don’t overwork themselves to augment their expenses. Since July 2012, the basic rate of living costs under the Migration regulations has increased. Under these regulations prospective student visa applicants and their family members must have access to the following funds to meet the living costs requirements:

  • A$18,610 a year for the main student;
  • A$6,515 a year for the student’s partner;
  • A$3,720 a year for the student’s first child; and
  • A$2,790 a year for every other child and where required.

Students must be genuinely sure they’ll have access to these funds once they arrive in Australia. The figures above aren’t concrete amounts of what’ll you spend, but only indicative of the cost of living. Based on your living standards, you should expect to spend more or less while studying.


Once you settle in, it is highly necessary to sit down and take stock of what you’ll need and how you’ll spend your resources. This helps prevent overspending during the semester. Keeping a budget helps you know where your money is going and when to stop spending.


International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)

The International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) scheme enables eligible international students to undertake a postgraduate research qualification in Australia and gain experience with leading Australian researchers. The scholarship covers tuition fees and health cover costs for scholarship holders, and health cover costs for their dependents.

To find out more about how to apply you will need to contact your chosen University directly.

Australian Scholarships

The Australian Awards aim to promote knowledge, education links and enduring ties between Australia and our neighbors through Australia’s extensive scholarship programs.

The Australian Awards are comprised of two streams: an achievement stream that targets the best and brightest students, researchers and professionals to come to Australia and for Australians to do the same offshore; and a development stream that builds capacity in developing countries.


Foundation Studies A$9,000 to 14,000 a year
such as university entrance, preparatory and bridging courses
Bachelor Degree A$14,000 to 35,000 a year
such as courses in arts, business, economics and law
Laboratory-based Bachelor Degree A$14,000 to 35,000 a year
such as science and engineering courses
Graduate Certificates
Graduate Diplomas
A$15,000 to 36,000 a year



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