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Study free in Europe: Why Germany is the best study abroad country

germyGermany is one of the three countries in the world offering free tuition to both domestic and international students. Along with this, Germany has numerous opportunities for international students to secure a full time employment after graduation. Quite unlike the United Kingdom, Germany has no law restricting international students from staying beyond their graduation dates to work and make money. In this post we are going to discuss advantages other than the ones mentioned above plus the admission process and how to obtain a German student visa.

  1. English -Language of Instruction

A few decades ago, Germany was seldom picked as an ideal study abroad destination for international students. What hindered students the most was the language barrier. But this is not the case anymore. Most courses are offered in English medium.

In recent years, the universities across the country have started regular bachelor courses in English language. Often tagged as international courses, these courses are taught in English and do not require a German Language Test for admission.

2.Tuition Free

Almost all universities in Germany are state owned educational institutions. They offer you the same advantage of no tuition fee, even as an international aspirant.

While there’s no tuition fee, there are living expenses for all students. As international students you might be asked to contribute to some sort of welfare fund. This is also not the case for master’s degree programs in Germany. We advise you to go through respective university information to get a clearer picture.

     3 .    Internships & Job Opportunities

Whether you plan to stay on in Germany or return to your country, the truth is that the object of studying for a degree is to find a well paid employment. On this note, furthering your study in Germany helps. Why?

Well funded research Universities design their course work with compulsory internship programs. This will give you exposure to the real world-allowing you the opportunity to build competencies and skills necessary to succeed at the work place.

If you want to get a job in Germany after graduation, Germany offers a viable solution there as well. If you get your degree from Germany, you will be eligible to stay on in the country for 18 months and pursue employment options.

This gives you a comfortable time space to look for your dream job, pursue any other course or even earn some extra cash before you come back. Often, the acceptance level is high and international students contribute a large amount to the German economy.

    4. Cost of Living

However even with these tuition fees higher education was still significantly less expensive than in most other developed western countries, and with many student benefits and discounts available across the board, the total living costs for students in Germany can be kept well below €1000 per month.

For info on how to apply, admission requirements process and how to obtain a student visa, click here:

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