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Study Abroad in Peru

    Study abroad in Peru

    Peru, renowned for its rich historic and cultural heritage complemented by picturesque landscapes, is an ideal setting for international students, particularly those interested in history, archaeology, the Spanish language, and environmental sciences. The mix of ancient traditions and rapidly developing cities pave the way for a unique academic experience.

    Basic Facts

    • Official name: Republic of Peru
    • Capital city: Lima
    • Major cities: Cuzco, Arequipa, Trujillo
    • Population: Approximately 32 million
    • Official language: Spanish
    • Currency: Nuevo Sol (PEN)
    • Time zone: Peru Standard Time (PET), GMT -5
    • Climate: Diverse, varying from tropical in the Amazon rainforest, arid in the coastal areas, and temperate to frigid in the Andes
    • Government type: Presidential republic

    Education System Overview

    • Education in Peru is divided into preschool, primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors.
    • The country’s higher education consists of both public and private universities as well as institutes offering vocational education.
    • The quality and standards of higher education institutions can differ considerably.

    Top Universities

    • Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
      • Known for its programs in social sciences, humanities, as well as science & engineering.
    • National University of San Marcos
      • The oldest university in the Americas, it offers a vast array of programs.

    Popular Courses and Programs

    • Studies in Spanish Language
    • Latin American Studies
    • Anthropology and Archaeology
    • Environmental Sciences
    • International Business

    Admission Requirements

    • The requirements for admissions vary from one university to another. However, the general requirements include a high school diploma for undergraduate programs and a Bachelor’s degree for postgraduate programs.
    • Proficiency in Spanish is usually necessary for most courses.

    Cost of Education

    • Public universities in Peru are generally affordable although fees may vary based on the program and level of study.
    • Private universities are considerably more expensive.

    Living Costs and Accommodation

    • Living costs in Peru are relatively low compared to North American and European countries.
    • Accommodation options include student residences, shared apartments, and home stays.

    Visa and Immigration

    • A student visa is required for staying longer than 183 days in Peru.
    • Proof of admission to a recognized Peruvian educational institution is required.

    Cultural and Social Aspects

    • Peru has a diverse culture that is a mixture of native traditions and Spanish colonial influences.
    • Music, dance, and festivals play a significant part in Peruvian life.
    • Peruvians are generally very friendly and supportive towards foreigners and students.

    Employment Opportunities

    • While work opportunities for foreign students are limited, some students find internships and volunteer roles, mainly in the fields of education, social work, and tourism.

    Health and Safety

    • Peru has good healthcare facilities in major cities, but less so in rural areas.
    • Routine vaccinations along with Hepatitis A and Typhoid vaccines are recommended.
    • While Peru is generally safe, it’s important to be alert to pickpocketing and other petty crimes.

    Travel and Transportation

    • Peru boasts a variety of travel experiences from hiking in the Andes, visiting the Machu Picchu, or exploring the Amazon rainforest.
    • Major cities have robust public transportation services involving buses, minibuses, and taxis.

    Testimonials and Case Studies

    • Studying in Peru has given me a deep insight into Latin American history and culture that I couldn’t have gained elsewhere.” – Sarah, a History major from the UK.

    Useful Resources and Contacts


    Peru offers a unique blend of academic, cultural, and historical experiences for international students. With its age-old traditions and rapidly modernizing cities, studying in Peru can be an enriching experience offering learning inside and outside the classroom. Packed with mesmerizing natural beauty, archeological sites, friendly people, and a vibrant culture, Peru can be the perfect study destination for students seeking a unique international experience.


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