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Study Abroad in Nauru

    Study abroad in Nauru

    Nauru, the world’s third smallest nation by area, offers a unique academic environment. Located in the Pacific, its distinct cultural identity and environmental context provide a special backdrop for studies focused on marine biology, environmental science, and Pacific Island cultures.

    Basic Facts

    • Official name: Republic of Nauru
    • Capital city: Yaren District (serves as de facto capital)
    • Major areas: Aiwo, Anabar, Boe, Buada
    • Population: Approximately 10,800
    • Official language: Nauruan, English
    • Currency: Australian Dollar (AUD)
    • Time zone: Nauru Time (NRT), UTC +12
    • Climate: Tropical; monsoonal rainfall (November to February)
    • Government type: Democratic republic

    Education System Overview

    • Nauru’s education system includes primary and secondary levels, culminating in the Nauru Secondary Certificate.
    • There are limited higher education facilities on the island, with some students pursuing further education abroad, typically in Australia or Fiji.
    • Nauru’s government focuses on educational development with scholarships for overseas study, particularly in sectors important to the island’s future.

    Top Universities

    • University of the South Pacific (USP) Nauru Campus
      • Offers programs in conjunction with the University of the South Pacific, focusing on education, business, and marine studies.

    Popular Courses and Programs

    • Environmental Science
    • Marine Biology
    • Business Administration
    • Education
    • International Relations

    Admission Requirements

    • Basic educational requirements include completion of secondary education.
    • For courses offered through USP, standard university admission requirements apply, including English proficiency.
    • Scholarships often require commitments to return and contribute to Nauru’s development.

    Cost of Education

    • As most higher education opportunities are abroad or through USP, costs vary.
    • Scholarships provided by the Nauruan government typically cover tuition, living expenses, and travel.

    Living Costs and Accommodation

    • The cost of living in Nauru is relatively high due to the importation of many goods.
    • Housing is limited; most students live with family or in government-provided housing.
    • Expenses and accommodations are typically arranged through scholarship programs when studying abroad.

    Visa and Immigration

    • Student Visa
      • Not typically relevant for local education as most international students study at Nauru through specific programs like those offered by USP.
      • Nauru requires entry permits for all non-citizens, which can be arranged through sponsorship by educational institutions or government programs.

    Cultural and Social Aspects

    • Nauru has a rich Pacific Island culture with a strong community focus.
    • Social life revolves around community events, church activities, and traditional fishing and crafts.
    • Students are encouraged to engage with local traditions and community projects.

    Employment Opportunities

    • Limited on the island due to its small economy.
    • The focus is on public administration, education, and phosphate mining rehabilitation projects.
    • Overseas studies often aim at bringing skills back to contribute to local development.

    Health and Safety

    • Basic medical facilities are available; complex cases are referred to Australia or Fiji.
    • Public health efforts focus on combating obesity and related diseases.
    • Nauru is peaceful with low crime rates; general safety is high.

    Travel and Transportation

    • Nauru Airlines services international connections; local transport is primarily by car or on foot due to the small size of the island.
    • The island can be traversed end-to-end by car in less than an hour.

    Testimonials and Case Studies

    • Studying marine biology in Nauru has allowed me to directly engage with unique coral reef systems and understand their global significance.” – Lisa, a student from the University of the South Pacific.
    • My business studies here are tightly integrated with understanding small island economies, providing real-world application of my academic work.” – Mark, a scholar from Australia.

    Useful Resources and Contacts


    Nauru offers a rare educational experience deeply connected to its environmental, cultural, and economic contexts. For students interested in Pacific studies, environmental science, and small island dynamics, Nauru provides a unique, immersive backdrop.


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