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Study abroad in Germany: List of tuition free universities and how to obtain a visa

abroaddIn this post, I have put together a comprehensive list of over 30 universities in Germany that are operating tuition free for international students that are interested in studying abroad. However, you need to understand that education in Germany is not entirely free as students will be required need to put together a budget for their living expenses and is put at 600 Euro. This amount will cover the cost of accommodation, food, travels, books, health care, registration fees etc. So in one year the estimated cost of living is put at 8000 euro. And to obtain a visa, you will need to show concrete proof that you can take care of yourself while studying in the republic. This can be done in either of two ways;

  1. Open a German blocked account to the tune of 8000 euro
  2. Present a sponsor’s letter obtained from a friend or relative in Germany who’s willing to take care of your living expenses in Germany.

Kindly visit a German embassy in your home country to get more information on how to obtain a visa.


Please find below a list of tuition free universities in Germany

  • Free University of Berlin
  • Frankfurt University
  • Friedrich Schiller University, Jena
  • Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nurnberg.
  • Hamburg Media School
  • Humboldt-University, Berlin
  • International School of Management ISM, Dortmund
  • International University, Bremen
  • International University in Germany
  • Johannes Gutenberg University
  • Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich
  • Medical University of Luebeck
  • Otto-Fredrick University, Bamberg
  • Philips-University, Marburg
  • University of Augsburg
  • University of Bamberg
  • University of Bayreuth
  • University of Bielefeld
  • University of Bonn
  • University of Bremen
  • University of Dortmund
  • University of Erfurt
  • University of Erlangen-Nurnberg
  • University of Essen
  • University of Flensburg
  • University of Gottingen
  • University of Hamburg
  • University of Hannover
  • University of Kassel
  • University of Koln
  • University of Konstanz
  • University of Leipzig
  • University of Rostock
  • University of Stuttgart
  • University of Marburg
  • University of Oldenburg



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