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Study abroad Best Free Applications

appHere are the top 9 best free apps that will be essential for your time abroad. From saving money on accommodation and transportation, to finding the best spots in the city to grab a bite, these apps are guaranteed to come in handy during your travels. Add them to your toolkit, and you’ll be ready for whatever comes your way!

  1. Air BnB

You’ve probably heard a thing or two about AirBnB in recent years. Not quite sure what it is?

Well, AirBnB is a service that allows individuals to rent out their apartment, house or room for any given amount of time. You can search accommodations by location, price or even ratings. Why stay in a tiny, overpriced hotel, when you can have your entirely own place?

This is a great option if you plan on travelling to neighboring destinations during any time off you might have. If you are travelling in a group, sharing a large apartment can work out to be cheaper than staying in a dingy hostel. Hosts are generally friendly, and sometimes will recommend places to go and things to see.

You can even post your own apartment to AirBnB during your trip, which could cover all of your accommodation costs. The service is incredibly easy to use and trustworthy. Definitely worth looking into!

Available on the App Store & Google Play
Price: Free

2. Uber

For students on a tight budget, taking cabs is probably out the question. If, however, you find yourself in need of a quick ride, check out Uber. Uber allows you to request a taxi to your exact location, through a simple and intuitively designed app. Rates are typically cheaper than what you would receive from a regular taxi service, however you do have the option to choose more luxurious cars should you be inclined.

The app has the ability to find your location, so you don’t have to worry about giving your whereabouts. Additionally, the payment process is automated as it is linked with your credit card. That means no fiddling around with unfamiliar currency at the end of your ride. Other features include the option to split fares, and see reviews of drivers.

Available on the App Store & Google Play
Price: Free
3. Mint

As you will probably come to realize, budgeting your spending is one of the most important things to keep in mind during your time abroad. This is especially important if you plan on leaving for an extended period of time.

If you feel like you need some help in this department, check out Mint. Mint is arguably one of the best personal financial management services out there. The app allows you to budget your spending on everything from groceries to how much you are spending on a night out. You can set monthly limits, reminders and notifications to alert you of over spending.

The app has recently undergone a makeover, making it even more intuitive and aesthetically pleasing. With the ability to add various accounts to the service, you will truly have full control of every dollar you spend.
Available on the App Store & Google Play
Price: Free

4. Google Maps

Although this one is a given, we couldn’t leave it out. We can’t stress enough the importance of having Google Maps on your phone. Whether you need some assistance with directions, using public transport, or finding a place of interest, having Google Maps at your fingertips is essential.

Another great feature of Google Maps is the ability to save a location. If you find a store you love, or an exquisite little restaurant, save it on your map. This way you’ll always remember exactly where to go, and can even share your saved locations with others who are looking for recommendations.

Available on the App Store & Google Play
Price: Free

  1. Google TranslatorDepending on where you have chosen to study abroad, having Google Translator on your phone can be very useful. Whether you are trying to negotiate the price of a souvenir, or trying to ask for directions, having a quick translator with you will prove to be essential.

    Try looking up all of the important words and phrases you think you’ll be using on a day to day basis. The locals will appreciate your effort.

    Available on the App Store & Google Play
    Price: Free

    6. Skype

Time will fly when you are abroad. Days will be jam-packed with adventures and activities leaving you with limited spare time. Be sure to set time aside to stay in touch with family and friends back home.

Skype is perhaps the most well-known chat service available. You can make free Skype to Skype audio and video calls, or even add money to your account to make local and international calls. Having the app will allow you to instant message and chat during the day, ensuring you are always connected to those you care about.

If you have an iPhone you can also use Facetime, or Facetime Audio. The only downside to this is that they are not supported across non-Apple platforms.

Available on the App Store & Google Play
Price: Free

  1. Whatsapp

In terms of instant messaging, it’s hard to beat Whatsapp. It is used across the globe, so no matter where you go, or who you meet, it is likely that they are on Whatsapp. This will come in handy when meeting new friends, or keeping in touch with old ones.

This will also be useful if you are trying to coordinate any group projects or assignments. Creating a group chat will keep everyone in sync. You can also send pictures, videos and sound clips over this convenient and easy to use messaging network.

Available on the App Store & Google Play
Price: Free

  1. InstagramHaving been bought by Facebook in 2012, Instagram has risen to the top as the primary mobile photo, and video sharing network. Instagram allows you to share your photos and videos in a beautifully designed interface.

This is your chance to show everyone back at home what you’ve been up to. With simplified editing tools, and pre-made filters, you should have no trouble turning your day-to-day snaps into beautiful and capturing photos.

Available on the App Store & Google Play
Price: Free

9. Yelp

When in an unfamiliar city, it is common to gravitate towards sub-par, touristy restaurants, cafes and bars. Avoid making these mistakes by downloading Yelp on your smartphone.

Yelp allows you to search for points of interests and gives you access to various user reviews, descriptions and pictures. This will ensure that you don’t waste your time and money at lackluster establishments, and can focus on the better things the city has to offer.

Although the app is best known for restaurant and bar reviews, it can also help you find nearby shopping centers, pharmacies or whatever else you are looking for. You can also make reservations and order food for delivery in this useful crowd-sourced app.

Available on the App Store & Google Play
Price: Free

About the Author:Rahim Madhavji is the President of Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange, a Canadian currency exchange company that helps Canadians get better currency exchange rates than the banks when buying or selling US dollars.





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