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Scholarship Tips: How to apply and get into Stanford University, USA

stanIt is a well-known fact that Stanford University is a highly coveted university with a lot of students from every part of the world willing to take their chances. Stanford awards hundreds of partial/full scholarships to admitted students. Although with an admission rate of less than 5%, admission into Stanford is not impossible. In this post, we will be looking at key factors the admission panel considers when making decisions and how you can apply and get in

What you should know…

Applicants usually focus on getting in rather than giving an authentic representation of themselves. Application to Stanford is the moment to reflect deeply about who you are and what matters to you.

Show confidence in your achievements and where you are going. Believe in yourself and think deeply on how you want to present yourself and be seen. Note that in the strongest applications a student’s genuine/personal voice stands out to the Stanford admissions team.

Academic Preparation

There is no magic in getting into Stanford

Stanford respects and understands that high schools principals and teachers should work together in the development of proper courses and curricula for their students. That said, Stanford does not have a set of required/minimum courses for admission to Stanford. They have found, though, that a curriculum highligting depth and breadth across core subject areas is the best preparation for the academic rigors at Stanford. Their experience had shown that students who generally succeed in Stanford curriculum are those who did the underlisted courses and for a period of time shown therein:

  • English: four years, with major emphasis on writing and literature.
  • Mathematics: four years, with major emphasis on fundamental mathematical skills (algebra; trigonometry; plane, solid, and analytic geometry).
  • History/Social Studies: three or more years. Such courses should include the writing of essays.
  • Science:three or more years of laboratory science (including biology, chemistry and physics).
  • Foreign Language: three or more years of the same foreign language. Your study of a foreign language ought to include the development of four basic skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension.

When choosing High School courses

The admission panel at Stanford expects applicants to pursue a reasonably challenging curriculum, choosing a mix of courses from among the most challenging courses available at their schools. Applicants should exercise good judgment and consult widely with their counselors, teachers and parents as they arrange a curriculum that is right for you. Avoid the unnecessary pressure of taking every single AP , IB, A ‘levels, Honors or Accelerated class just because it has that name.

Stanford looks beyond Courses and Scores

Application to Stanford is not a case of “whoever has the most Aps, A’levels wins.” Instead, the team is looking for thoughtful, eager and highly engaged students who will make a significant difference while at Stanford and the world beyond, and we expect that they have taken high school course loads of reasonable and appropriate challenge in the context of their schools.

As a result, we do not require students to submit AP/ A’level scores as part of our admission process. AP scores that are reported are acknowledged but rarely play a significant role in the evaluation of an application. Grades earned over the course of a term, or a year, and evaluations from instructors who can comment on classroom engagement provide us the most detailed insight into a student’s readiness for the academic rigors of Stanford.

For more info on the application deadlines and general info click here:





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