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Scholarship tips: Avoid these scholarship essay mistakes

bewareEveryone makes mistakes, but you wouldn’t want to make such mistakes on a scholarship application that could mar your chances of getting a university education. That said, you need to pay more than the unusual attention to every little detail you put on your application. You need to know exactly what you are asked and what response to provide. Avoid the danger of knowing what’s required of you but not doing them.

Missing deadlines

Missing the submission deadline is one of the commonest and gravest scholarship mistakes. Create a Google spreadsheet, build a calendar and enter deadline reminders. Once you find a scholarship you want apply to, make sure you meet the deadline so you don’t lose out on the big money.

Disobeying directions

This entails a lot and range from Misspellings, omitting information, askew facts or not following the scholarship essay directions at all. You need to be extra diligent in your details and check as many times as possible the work you’ve entered. You wouldn’t want to lose out on scholarship money for a silly mistake that could have been prevented. If your friends are disposed to, allow them go over your applications for errors.

Writing mistakes

Word count is probably the most common scholarship essay mistake. If the application asks for a word range, hit the range. If it asks for a specific word count, hit the word count EXACTLY. This shows you’re capable of paying attention and satisfying specific requirements. Another common mistake is falling off topic. Yes, you want your essay to stand out from all the others. It needs to be unique but it needs to address the topic at hand. Too far off course and it just looks like you are repurposing another essay because you’re too lazy to write a new one.

Sell yourself

A great way to stand out in the scholarship application process is to build your own brand. Let the council know who you are with a website designed specifically towards your college goals. This gives you a chance to present the deciding committee with information beyond the application. Showcase all the positive sides of you and what you like to do in the world. Don’t be fragmented, but rather be focused on your goals, dreams and how that will make the world a better place. Couple this with a specific email and social media profile aimed at education and you can make a truly positive impression.

Scholarship committees want to give their money away to deserving students. It’s your job to properly sell yourself so they know why you are the right choice. Build a profile that can’t be ignored, one that showcases your originality, your character and your drive to be successful. These factors will be enough to push you over the edge and help you win the money you need for school.


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