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Scholarship tips: 3 Worst ways to start an Essay

  • essayIntroducing Yourself

Except the scholarship instruction specifically tells you to include your name on the essay paper, don’t begin your essay writing by introducing yourself. This style is not only unprofessional, but could  disqualify you from winning a scholarship. Several scholarship panels conduct a blind reading-which means a reader has no prior information about you. Even if in some cases, the scholarship prompt might ask you to share some information about yourself, refrain from starting your essay in such fashion. Instead, begin by writing about a memorable event from your life that will leave a lasting impression with your reader.

  • Writing back the essay prompt

You cant imagine how boring and monotonous it is to read the same opening line over and over again. There’s absolutely no need to start your essay this way for any reason imaginable. Why? Scholarship providers already know what their scholarship prompts are so don’t remind them. It’s also more of an elementary-style of writing and not quite up to par for someone heading to college.

  • Using a quote

Using a quote to start an essay is stupid. It makes the opening sentence of your essay dull, colorless and unintelligent. Why? Who knows maybe hundreds of other applicants are going to use the same quote. You see why it is both stupid and unintelligent? If you use a quote to start an essay, use one of your own! That could actually get someone’s attention

For info on how to write a killer scholarship essay, click here:

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