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NETHERLANDS 2The Netherlands is a highly commercial European country with well-known trade traditions throughout history. Netherlands is indeed a country of innovation and entrepreneurship. Every year, thousands of international students move down to Netherlands to study. This article seeks to explain why Netherland is such a great destination for international students.

                                                 WHY NETHERLANDS

(1)    Dutch universities offer courses in English language. It is currently the first country to offer all of its courses in English language. This allows international students who do not understand the Dutch mother tongue to study conveniently in English. All undergraduate and graduate courses are offered in English.

(2)    Dutch degrees meet international standards and thus are well recognized and accepted by companies and organizations across the world.

(3)    Tuition fees in Netherlands are very cheap. There are not very expensive when compared to institutions in other European countries. The tuition fees for European students ranges from €2000 to €4000, while that of non-European students ranges from €6000 to €20,000 per year.

Now let’s take a look at universities in Netherlands with low tuition for international students


Utrecht University                   €6000 – €11,000

University of Tilburg                  €7,000 –  €14,000

University of Maastricht                  €8000 –  €13,000

University of Amsterdam                  €12,000

Saxon University the Netherlands                 €7,800 –  €11,000

Leiden University                 €10,000 – €13,500

Eindhoven University of Technology                 €6,700 –  €15,000

Delft University of Technology                 €8,464 –  €13,226



The cost of living in Netherlands is basically the amount you’ll need to take care of your expenses while studying. Different European countries have varying costs of living. However, the cost of living in Netherlands is put at €1000 per month to cover the cost of travels, books, accommodation and food.

                                       HOW TO OBTAIN A VISA

To obtain a Dutch visa, you’ll need to have a valid passport, be admitted to an accredited 4 year program and have sufficient funds to finance your education in Netherlands. Most universities may undertake to submit your application on your behalf, but check with the institution to find out. Submit your application at the nearest Dutch Netherlands and expect your interview in the a couple of weeks.



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