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Low Tuition Universities in Belgium: Cost of Living,Tuition Fees and Top Universities

Universities in Belgium offer world class university courses, top level academic training courses, doctoral degrees, post-academic and certificated training plus various international academic programmes in various fields of theology, philosophy, law, economics and applied economics, political and social sciences, medico-social health sciences, dentistry, pharmaceutical sciences, physical education and physiotherapy, sciences, language and literature / history, archeology and art science, psychology and educational sciences, medical sciences, engineering and applied biological sciences.

Belgium sits in Europe and is both a lively and cosmopolitan society with a range of multicultural and lingual communities. International students choosing Belgium as a study destination have made a right choice and would greatly enjoy the pleasant and beautiful environment. Belgians are very friendly people and their tasty cuisine would make a real difference in your stay in Belgium.

Cost of study and living in Belgium

Please note that the  cost of living in Belgium would largely depend on your lifestyle and on the city you study in. As expected, big cities will be a lot more expensive than smaller cities . The cost of living in Belgium is about 550 – 650 €/month. This would cover accommodation, food, utility bills and travel expenses.

Tuition cost

Tuition fees at Belgian higher education institutions are cheap and would amount to €500 per year for most of the study programs. In some cases it can cost slightly more, like for postgraduate courses

Top universities in Belgium

  • Boston University, Brussels
  • Brexgata University Academy
  • University of Gent
  • University of Antwerpen
  • University of Kent



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