Generally, tuition fees in Europe are very low when compared with tuition fees of other continents, even though many European universities are actually world class. So if you are desiring a top university education at a reasonable cost, why not consider studying in Europe?. Studying abroad in Europe is trending, statistics show how top international students are competing for places in Europe’s finest Universities.
Of course this varies per country though, and also depends to a great extent if you are from European Economic Area or not. The average tuition fee for an international Master’s student in Europe is roughly € 5.100 for applicants from the EEA, and € 10.170 for applicants from outside Europe. For international Undergraduate programs it is € 4.500 for European students and € 8.600 for non-European students.
Tuition fees: An overview per country
In Austrian universities, students from EU member countries are not charged tuition fees. Infact, the schools in Austria operate low tuition, International students can pay much as 600-1500€ per year. While every student irrespective of national background would pay a compulsory semester fee of EUR 16.89 for membership into the Austrian Student Union.
University education in Denmark is totally free for students from the European member countries. However, students from other continents would pay tuition fees tuition of roughly EUR 6,000 to EUR 16,000 Euro per academic year. It is of interest to note that scholarship programs are available both for both European and non-European students.
In Finnish Universities, no tuition fees are charged at all for Bachelor’s and Doctoral programs, regardless of the student’s nationality. Master’s degree programs are generally free for students from European countries but International students outside of the Europe might in most cases study for free. The Tuition fees for non-EU students are within the range of EUR 2,500-12,000 per year.
France is indeed a very popular study destination for international students because of its affordable tuition fees: Public universities in France only charge between EUR 200 and EUR 650 EUR per academic year depending on the course and study level (Bachelor’s/Master’s) and study program.
Germany is another desirable study location for international students There are top Universities in Germany with very low or no tuition fees at all. There is a law stipulating Universities to charge only up to a 1000€ a year. But the good news is that during 2013/2014 academic year, most universities did not charge any tuition fees. All international students studied are welcome to study free in Germany.
University education in Norway is completely free of charge for everyone, although private universities do charge access to free medical care and transport. As well as reductions for cultural activities and social events. While private universities require tuition fees to be paid depending on the study program chosen.[adsenseyu1]