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List of Fully Accredited Online Universities

  • Online

kaplanFor international students who are busy with their professional jobs and do always have time for further studies, online study holds the solution and can help such students obtain their degrees or certificates. There are several online universities and online programs available all over the world for international students who are desirous of obtaining a Bachelors or post graduate degree.


Flexibility of study destination: Students do not need to be physically present in academic classes to attend lectures. They can easily take lectures from their homes, offices as lecture materials are shared with them via a technology platform.

Lower Cost: With online education, students do not spend money on accommodation or academic material unlike traditional students. Traditional Expenses such as accommodation, transportation, books et.c are not a concern.

Flexibility of studying times: Students have a chance to choose their study periods during the day.


Kaplan University

For international students who have a tight schedule, Kaplan University is a good option for them. With kaplan’s online portal , students can learn easily.

Columbia Southern University

This University has low tuition fees and a comfortable style of learning that can suit your schedule. Students can study bachelor, master, PhD programs in wide range of fields including business administration amongst others.

Open university Australia

This university has been recruiting for about seventeen years and offer students the opportunity to pursue their education online, while implementing strategies that makes for flexible studying.

Walden University

Offers top quaity online graduate and undergraduate programs making each program fit in with the lifestyle and study schedule of students.

Strayer University

At this university, programs are tailored to the lifestyle and schedule of students making it possible for them to combine work and studies easily and get a degree.

Ashford University

This is a university that makes use of latest technology to give students a good learning experience.

University Of Phoenix

A university that offers good quality online education and for those interested in enrolling for doctoral, masters bachelors and associate’ degrees


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