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How You Can Assimilate Into the Foreign Culture as an International Student

With the advancement in technology, the academic world is experiencing consistent transformation. A lot of students have been forced to fly to a foreign developed nation in pursuit of best education standards. In the academic year 2006/2007 alone, about 157,000 foreign students were able to secure admissions into US higher learning institutions. Most of these students are moved by very high hopes and desire for ideal life and best education eminence. As you may be aware, in some cases, it’s easier to disappoint than thrill; many of them have faced a critical cultural shock. If not properly trained on the stages of assimilation, students will meet a shock that may slow down their aspiration. You are very fortunate to have found this article, we will try as much as we can to educate you on the best ways to assimilate into foreign culture while studying abroad.

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The Stages of assimilation

The first and early stage is usually described as honeymoon stage. This is the most enthralling stage where everything you see is not only new but also very good. The academic enthusiasts get happy or excited with everything and erroneously end up having a heavenly impression of a problem-free world. They are just beginning a new course in a relaxing, friendly and jolly style, not knowing that the experience is only very temporary.

Without their notice, they are ushered to the next stage, which is usually the disintegration Stage. Reality gently finds its way to their mental faculties reversing the earlier euphoric mood. The extent of academic work needed for excellence, homesick and inability to connect with students from other cultures efficiently introduce them to disappointment. If not well handled, they might end up lowering their self-esteem. Opposite of cultural assimilation, they may end up isolating themselves from others and perform poorly, but all is not lost.

After some time, the students will start accepting cultural assimilation by making more friends, adjusting their lifestyles and character. This stage is called Reintegration Stage, (Pedersen 134). Students acquire complete comprehension and adjust to the new ways of doing things. Grades will start improving, and they overcome most challenges faced earlier.

Картинки по запросу foreign students Many foreign students have now gone through almost complete transformation. They attain the capacity to do everything that native can do, even their accent changes gradually. They can now set their goals, plan and implement events leading to their success. Since they can now stand on their own, the stage is called Autonomy Stage.

If you left your country for foreign education or desire to do so in future, knowledge about the stages of assimilation will assist you maneuver your way to success in less hustle.

Assimilation comes with some cons

We have talked about the pros of assimilation above, but it is worth noting that there are also negative effects of assimilation. It’s a lot easier forinternational students to lose their identity. New friendships can bosom significantly to a family level, this will make students seldom visit their kinsmen. Students also risk losing their culture through cultural assimilation. Finally, they risk doing illegal acts that can lead to their detention especially at disintegration stage. There are still a lot to write about on this, but I urge you to hire another professional for more details.


More assimilation tips that will help you

  1. Thoroughly carry out research and prepare yourself beforehand. A comprehensive understanding of foreign cultures and traditions will help you approximate the expected chances for your psychological preparation; this averts a shock. Be mindful of the fact that you still need to do more to accomplish complete culture adjustment.
  2. Have an open-minded approach. Some foreign cultures might peeve you, but be willing to accept what you cannot change. For example, if people are rude or hash, try and learn how to handle them; never let them get you in problem.
  3. Make many friends. Try getting people you can hang out with will ease your loneliness and get trusted allies. With time, you will become used to your new friends. This will make it easy to blend as opposed to the negative effects of assimilation.
  4. Many students who have join groups within an institution find it easy to adapt to the new ways of doing things. There are usually many clubs in colleges: sports assemblies, athletic sets, worship bludgeons, just to mention but a few. Ensure that you join at least one of these groups
  5. Conduct daily personal appraisal. Set time at dawn to assess and ponder critically of the experiences of the day. This will help in identifying required change of attitude or approach in handling situations. Keep track of things you have learned hence keep your growth in check.

A journey to foreign universities in pursuit of tutelage comes with a fair share of setbacks, but they are far less than the benefits. The challenges can be handled.


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