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How to write an IELTS essay





The IELTS test involves testing the candidates’ writing skills. This is assessed via two tasks that require you to display your broad knowledge of English vocabulary along with correct spelling and appropriate grammar.

Now, this might seem like a daunting task for some. But we would like to simplify this for you by giving you some tips to be able to score well.

The IELTS writing test Academic module task 1 involves writing a report on a data, map or a process and the General Training module involves writing a letter.

Both these tasks are to be written in 150 words or more and in a time span of about 20 minutes. Although, the total time for tasks 1 and 2 is one hour.

Task 1 counts for 1/3rd of the total marks for the writing test. It requires you to study the given data and provide an overview paragraph talking about its main features. The write-up must also include 3 to 4 main ideas deciphered from the given information. It comes without saying that it has to be grammatically correct and accurate with the data.
The other part of the test, task 2, is a long answer question which expects a detailed essay about the given topic.

A key to cracking this task is- Giving the examiner just exactly what he wants.

Since it’s an essay question, you are expected to clearly and crisply talk about the topic instead of beating around the bush which might be discouraged by the examiner.

The topic has to be explained in 250 words or more. The questions given are about common topics of general awareness. They can ask you about your opinions on a certain issue or be a topic for discussion or anything similar to this. Taking assistance from IELTS coaching classes can give you an idea of the entire exam pattern along with the material and mock tests.

Some of the tips for writing a successful essay are:

  1. Analysing the Question

When reading the question it is vital you take the time to thoroughly understand the question to an extent that you know what is expected of you. Once you are clear on the topic, you can then move on to answering it properly and systematically.

What you need to note here is, COMPLETING THE ANSWER IS IMPORTANT. Even though you have been successful in understanding the question and have some great ideas to answer if you fail to complete the essay it won’t fetch you any marks. So, completing the answer should be one of your top priorities.
When analysing the question you need to identify the keywords that can lead you the expected answer. Also, it’s crucial you identify the type of answer expected from you.

  1. Plan

You need to plan before you begin writing. You need to put down the points you have in your mind and the basic structure of the essay.

Take about 8-10 minutes to organize your thoughts and ideas before putting pen to paper. Utilising this time to the fullest simplifies your writing process further.

  1. Introduction

The introduction forms the first part of the essay. This should include the topic and a gist of what you plan on including further in the essay.

The examiner should get a clear idea about your thought process through this introductory paragraph. It also gives you mental clarity for going ahead with the main body of the essay.

  1. Main Body

The main body of the essay should comprise of the main ideas that you wish to convey to the examiner. The ideas put forth should be clear and supported with relevant examples.

Try and cover all the points that you have thought of. Needless to say, the content should display your command on the language.

  1. Conclusion

The conclusion of the essay should summarise your entire thoughts and ideas that you have mentioned throughout the essay. This gives a quick overview to the examiner with respect to checking all the points covered before.

Keeping these points in mind you can make your essay writing simpler for you.

When preparing for the writing task you must understand the purpose of the examination and work towards giving the examiners exactly what they demand. There is immense material available for IELTS test  preperation, choose wisely what you opt for. Find a reliable source of information for your study.

Solve mock tests to understand the type of questions that are asked in the paper. Practice every day and get feedback on your work to know the areas that need improvement. Once you know the improvement required, start working towards it to get your desired score. Following a systematic method of practicing and solving the paper is sure to benefit you.

Author Bio: Rucha by profession is a content writer and graphic designer at Walnut Folks. She has been interested in guiding & counselling students who wish to study abroad for a long while now. She loves interacting with fellow professionals to explore studying abroad in different countries and is herself going abroad soon to pursue her dream of studying abroad. With a combination of design and writing skills, she aspires to explore domains of marketing and journalism. Travelling, good music and movies keep her going.

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