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How to write a killer scholarship essay

germyA scholarship application is written by most of the students, desiring to acquire a scholarship during the course of their studies. A scholarship is a relief for those who have the merit, but not the financial resources to pay their tuition fees on time. A scholarship essay is attached to one’s application that states the reasons why the person is more eligible for a scholarship than the rest. Your scholarship application may be similar in a lot of aspects with the other applicants, but what makes you stand out is the content of your scholarship essay. If you really want to get that ‘Scholarship Granted’ letter instead of the one with the lines: Thank you for applying, then ponder on the pointers below to write a scholarship essay that would leave a positive mark on the institute’s scholarship granting panel.

Who are you writing for?

This is the basic step in researching before you write a scholarship essay. The scholarship application consists of a few questions that are to be answered in the essay. Look really closely at the questions and assess the criteria which the provider might have set for the chosen candidate. Having some background information about the scholarship provider, the organization as a whole is really crucial before compiling the essay. You may also consult any of the past recipients in order to have an in depth knowledge about the points to be mentioned that would hit the mark.

When to start writing?

A tentative time period for researching and writing for a scholarship essay is usually a week or so, in order for you to have enough time on your hands to further enhance it. During this period, you will have ample time to draft an outline of the answers along with the supporting ideas that would make your essay look wholesome and satisfying.      A few sentences for an introduction and a well-rounded conclusion may also be drafted during this time period, and before you know it, you will have a rough draft of almost half of your essay in front of you.

Why should you be the chosen one?

The main purpose of your essay is to persuade the scholarship granting committee that it is you that they were looking for. While you answer the questions as set in the outline, supplement them with a personal detail that would show how passionate you are about that particular subject or field. Do not just write how many awards you got while playing basketball, but what actually drove you to play that particular game. Mentioning personal details such as your love of helping the underprivileged people or your passion to improve your skills even further will certainly hit the mark.

Who to look for to be helped further?

When you are done with a rough draft, make sure to check it twice or thrice to look for any flaws or loopholes in the ideas or sentence structure. You may also take help of an elder, a teacher or a nerdy friend of yours to go through your essay and point out the grammatical errors and other flaws. After all, you would want to make the best impression on the committee, and even a little grammatical error may spoil your effort.

Author Bio:

Adrine Santos is a well renowned name in the world of academia. Scholars flock to him on his website write my research, where he advises them on various study related issues. Her suggestions and ideas are highly regarded in the realm of education.


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