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How to Study Nursing in the Uk

International students who desire to register and work in the UK nursing profession are expected to complete the Overseas Nursing Programme (ONP) as a mandatory part of their program. The ONP enables international students to become registered nurses in the UK, where they are registered to provide services in either the NHS or the private sector.

Note that the ONP is usually incorporated into BSc (Hons) and MSc courses in International Nursing Studies and students are thus able to gain an undergraduate/postgraduate degree in International Nursing Studies, and then go on to obtain registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in order to work in the UK. Be informed that each of these programs run full-time for a period of one year, during which time students are allowed the opportunity to take up the ONP, which involves doing about l 400 hours of monitored medical practice placement. During academic programs, international students who study at universities in the UK are allowed to work 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during breaks.

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Also note that a number of nursing degrees last for a period of four years and students will Learn a wide range of different aspects of Nursing during this four year period. Added to this, you’ll take up compulsory courses in life sciences; while internships and short term jobs in various community and medical centres will allow students to gain firsthand experience of their clinical profession. Personalized lecture programs, tutorials, practical sessions and group work will incorporate each aspect of Nursing during study.

How much do Nursing Graduates earn?

The average starting professional salary: £21,909

The average starting non-professional salary: £16,380

What are the Entry Requirements? 

As you would expect, nursing is a very competitive academic field of study and it is so much a show  academic of excellence when applying, but also your ability to show you have the right personality to take on such a demanding program. Students are expected to have good numeracy and literacy abilities, have good communication skills and be able to work as part of a team in high pressure work environments.

Normal International Baccalaureate requirements: 30 points.

Standard A-levels requirements: ABB.

IELTS requirements are as follows: 7.0 overall, with no less than 6.0 in any one component.

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Nursing University Rankings

Inorder to learn more about the best Nursing programs in the UK, find below a list of the top ten ranking Nursing and Midwifery universities according to the Guardian University Guide:

University of Edinburgh

University of Liverpool

University of Glasgow

Coventry University

University of Portsmouth

Keele University

Swansea University

University of Manchester

University of Northumbria

University of Birmingham

Cost of Living in the UK

The UK immigration services recently released data which shows that students should have a budget of not less than 1020 euro per month inorder to study In the UK. This is the minimum charge for obtaining a visa to the UK. Average student rents are in the range 150-200 euros, but you are able to find cheaper accommodation with a smaller amount. In a week, you should budget about 104 euros.Note that this amount varies depending on how often you party and drink.


Unlike other institutions, UK schools do not deal directly with applicants, they accept student applications through UCAS. If you didn’t know, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) is the British admission portal for students applying to university, plus post-16 education as of 2012.

*February –September : Do well to use this extended time period to research universities, programs that meet your academic interest. Interestingly, a number of college open days run during this period, make the most of these visits by going to university campuses and exploring their facilities.

*15 October: This deadline period is used for submission of additional application materials to UCAS. Please note that it is almost impossible to get into any medical programs of world class universities if your application materials don’t get to UCAS by this time period.

*15 January: This period is called  “late application deadline” by UCAS. Applications will be designated late if it comes in at this time. Applicants are thus encouraged to submit their applications before the January 15 deadline. Applying before this deadline makes it easy for schools to carefully go through your personal essays and program preference.

*7 May: A number of colleges will send admission decisions to UCAS by this date, do well to reply with acceptance or denial if a college gets back with positive updates. If UCAS does not receive your reply, they’ll go on and decline the admission on your behalf.

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