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How to study free in Finland

University education in Finland is free for international students! Yaaaaay! That means, you won’t be required to pay for tuition. There are currently two tertiary sectors in Finland namely: universities and polytecnics. These institutions offer various bachelors, masters and doctorate degree programs and in English.

Minimum Entry Requirement

For more information, please check with the admissions office of your university. Generally, you may have to submit your IELTS or TOEFL for English language proficiency.

Application Method

For undergraduate and Master’s degree program, you are allowed to apply online. While doctoral students would have to apply directly to the university

Application Period

It depends on your institution and the program you’ve chosen. Polytechnic institutions accept applications in January and Febuary. While, universities would accept applications from Nov up and until March.

Tuition Fees

No tuition fees are charged in Finland for international students. However, you would be required to pay for your feeding and housing.


Scholarships are availbale only for doctoral and research studies.

Living Costs

Living costs is put at $892 per month and should cover expenses such as food, accommodation and internal travels.

How to Apply

For application instructions and how to apply: click here to apply . Please check all details relating to criteria and admissions with the institutions you are applying to.

After Application

Selection process will be carried by the carried by the university or polytechnic you’ve submitted your application to. For undergraduate programs, you may submit your SATs to boost your chances.

Final Admission

Admission selection can be super competitive. Only a limited number of spots are available every year. Admitted students would be emailed official admission letters.

Student Visa

This is gotten after an admitted has received his admission letter.

For international students, health insurance, bank statements would be requested at the finnish embassy in your country before a student visa is issued.

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