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How to study abroad in Italy plus admission requirements

italyThere is no telling where a university degree from Italy can take you as an international student. Italian degrees are very popular in Europe and can be used to secure jobs with top/world class companies in any part of Europe. We will take you through the university application process, tuition fees and admission requirements.

Language of Instruction

You could choose to study in either Italian or English language as long as you are able to prove your proficiency in any of them.

How to apply for admission

If you are an international student seeking to study in Italy, you must search for a program and university that fit your academic interest. After which, you will be required to fill out an admission application form. Once you are done filling the form, you will submit same to the Italian embassy or consulate in your country.

*You will also send a scanned  copy of your secondary school leaving certificate or university certificate if you are applying for undergraduate or postgraduate studies respectively.

*Scan and send two signed passport, one of which must be signed by you.

*Once the Italian government has collected the necessary documents, same will be submitted to the university you are interested.

*From August, the Italian embassy will publish a list of all admitted international students.

Application Deadline

Generally, application deadlines for studies at university in Italy follow the dates as listed below:

  • Mid April to mid May: International students must contact the Italian embassy or consulate in their home countries to receive a Letter of Academic Eligibility and Suitability (in Italian, Dichiarazione di Valoro in Loco (DV)) and pre-apply for the study program of their choice.

.Tuition Fees

In Italy,international students have to pay tuition fees. The average tuition fee for bachelor’s  and master’s (second cycle) programs amounts to approximately EUR 1500 per academic year.

In some cases, students are exempted from paying tuition fees depending on their financial situation and academic performance. Therefore, we recommend you to contact your university in Italy to learn whether you might qualify for tuition fee exemption.

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