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How to Make Friends When Studying Abroad

When it comes to going abroad for study or professional service, there is a lot of anxiety and other issues that people go through. One of the most common elements while moving abroad is the anxiety of settling in. Students, especially, have lots of fear about their new location and whether they will be able to adapt to that kind of life along with the added responsibility of studying. Since there will be no one to supervise them from the family, they will have to be very independent and responsible. Students also fear the most about how people of the new country and students of the university will take them and if they will accept them.

All such thoughts run through one’s mind all the time, more so in the first year of moving abroad. Students try their best to remain low profile and cautious to not offend anyone or the culture of that country. However, staying low profile might not always be the best idea, people like confident individuals, and when you are confident, you are more easily accepted everywhere because people like you and your body language. Today’s guest post blog will talk about four tips and techniques to make friends easily in a foreign country.

Learn to meet and greet

People in foreign love someone from outside if they know how to meet and greet in the local cultural way and language. So in order to break the ice with individuals of that country, first and foremost learn to meet and greet in the local language. You do not have to become an expert, just learn the negative and not to do things when meeting and greeting people along with some of the most positive ways to meet and greet. Like saying hello in the local language, whether to shake hands or kiss. Just make sure you are perfect at meeting and greeting the fellows from the homeland before you plan on making friends.

Find social events

The number one way to make friends, especially when you are going abroad to study is to find social events to attend. As a first-year student, the university itself will plan out many freshers events for you to give you the perfect opportunity to make friends and be quickly settled in with your classmates and university students who also have come from around the world and local areas just like you.

Bring some good souvenirs from your home country

Everyone loves to get gifts, bring some cool souvenirs from your local home country to give out to your new friends or people you meet, this will help you get close to them by instantly making them happy and surprising them with a gift.

Be keen enough

When you are keen and active enough to ask and talk to people in an attempt to get to know them and their country genuinely, people like it. They will help you around and also talk to you to make you comfortable within their country and institution.

Author Bio

Terry Wilson is the author of this blog post. Terry works as a touring guide for new tourists in the city of Toronto, Canada. He likes to post his blogs on the website, which is famous for blogging called Essay writing service. He also likes to contribute to social media like FacebookTwitter.

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