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How to apply for the 2016 fully funded Sarajevo Youth Summit–Bosnia and Herzegovina

saraThe Youth Initiative for Human Rights has announced calls for applications for the annual 2016 fully funded Sarajevo Youth Summit. It is considered to be the biggest/largest gathering of young leaders in the Western Balkans this year!

The Sarajevo Youth Summit will be organized by Youth Initiative for Human Rights and will be held in Sarajevo on 14-16 October 2015. The Summit will bring together 150 young leaders from the Western Balkans and the European Union, as well as representatives of organizations and leaders from conflict and post-conflict zones across the world.

The Summit will give the opportunity for youth voices to be heard and for youth from the Western Balkans to exchange experiences about the issues they feel are relevant and important for the region’s future. They will also share knowledge and experiences of activists from (post)conflict societies and emerging democracies that could be significant for the Western Balkans.

ELIGIBILITY: Applicants interested in the participation on Sarajevo Youth Summit should be students or recent graduates of the social sciences, human rights activists and/or members of youth political parties. They must demonstrate a strong interest in human rights activism and in the advancement of democracy in their respective communities, as well as worldwide. Youth affiliated with civil society organizations are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants should demonstrate commitment to and experience in human rights issues and be proficient in both spoken and written English.

COSTS: All the costs, covering transportation, visa processing, accommodation and working materials, will be taken care of by Youth Initiative for Human Rights.

VISA: Prior to your arrival, selected participants must consult respective administration offices concerning their visa status and ready the documentations needed to obtain a visa.


Applicants should submit this application, which consists of:
– Personal Details
– CV/Resume
– Letter of Motivation

All application requirements must be fulfilled until 31st July 2015.

Decisions about admission will be communicated to all applicants by July 2015.

For further information, please contact on

for info on a list of fully funded conferences, click here:

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