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How to apply for a German student visa

APPROVEDYou should get a German student visa if you are ready to study in a German University. If you’ve been accepted at German University, it is recommended that you apply for a student visa by your self-person at least 3 months in advance before traveling to Germany. With a German Visa, you can travel to nearly 9 different countries in Europe without obtaining visas of these countries

Please note that all your documents and application should be sent to the Immigration Office (Ausländeramt) of your country where you currently residing in. Once your application gets accepted and approved by the Immigration Office, the consulate will issue you a student residence visa. However, once you arrive in Germany, you’ll be required to register.

Required Documents:

  • A Completed visa application form
  • Valid international Passport
  • 2 photographs
  • Admission Letter
  • Transcript of academic records
  • Proof that you have sufficient amount to support yourself while living and studying in Germany
  • Declaration of authenticity of documents submitted

Note that you will also be required to have photocopies of all these documents, get proper insurance and pay an application fee of 60 Euros for the visa.

Where and how to apply?

You would be required to apply at your home country’s German Embassy. Except in rare circumstances you would have someone else submit a visa application along with the required documents for you. It is highly recommended that applicants apply for a student visa well in advance before your departure because the application of student visas can take up to 25 processing days.

Paying your visa

International applicants would have to pay the visa fees by a bank transfer. Student visa as of 2008 was 60 Euro and might increase slightly over the past few years. Note that Cheques or credit cards are not accepted. The money order must be in the name of the Consulate in your home country and not older than two months.

Please be aware that you will not get reimburse the visa fee if your application for a student visa gets rejected.

Do you need a German student visa?

If you are applying to study in Germany from within the EU (including Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) you do not need to obtain a German student visa before entering the country.

Applicants from the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Japan, South Korea or Switzerland:

f you are from any of these countries you still do not need a visa to study in Germany. However, you will need to register at the local Residents’ Registration Office and the Aliens’ Registration Office (Ausländeramt) to obtain a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) within two weeks of arrival in the country.




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