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Free Tuition Universities in Finland: How to Obtain a Student Visa and Cost of Studying

finYou’ve made up your mind to study abroad, however your resources might not be enough for you to pay the high tuition fees in countries like the UK, Australia, and Canada. Since, education is free in Finland, why not make up your mind to study there!

Cost of Living
Living expenses in Finland is quite cheap and is estimated at 530 Euros per month. This figure is just an estimation and may be less or more depending on your spending habit . This amount should cover cost of accommodation, travels, and cost of books for a month.

How to Obtain a Visa
* Receive an admission letter from your institution
*Fill out your residence permit application
*Visit the closest local embassy
*You’ll wait for a couple of weeks while your application is processed
*If your application is positive, you’ll receive your visa in about 3 weeks.

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