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CommonWealth Scholarships for Devloping Countries

3rd December 2014 (annual)

Master’s and PhD degrees
The commonwealth scholarships are for students from developing nations who are interested in pursuing Master’s and PhD programs in the UK. These scholarships are provided by the UK department for International Development.(DFID)

Fields of Study
All courses are eligible, although the  selection panel will give special preference to those applications that demonstrate strong relevance to development.
Number of Scholarships
About 300 scholarships are awarded each year to qualified candidates.
Eligible Countries
Candidates who are citizens of developing common wealth countries are eligible to apply.

Be Commonwealth citizens, refugees, or British protected persons
• Be permanent resident in a developing Commonwealth country
• Be available to commence their academic studies in the United Kingdom by the start of the UK academic year in September/October 2015
• Hold, by October 2015, a first degree of upper second class Honours standard (or above); or a second class degree and a relevant postgraduate qualification, which will normally be a Master’s degree.
Application process
Applications that come directly from individual students wont be honored, but must come from the nominating agency in your country. You must check with them for specific instructions on how to apply and deadlines. All Commonwealth Scholarship candidates must be nominated by an approved nominating agency/ university/university body, and must submit their application form using the Electronic Application System (EAS).

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