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Changes in the Labor Market After Covid-19

COVID-19 has significantly affected our lives both at the state level and at the level of individual areas of activity. In this article, you will find out how a pandemic will affect the world and how these changes will affect the labor market.


The medical profession was prestigious and highly paid before all these events. However, now the role of professional doctors has increased and will only grow. The problem around COVID-19 will establish an international trend when qualified medical specialists of various profiles will be in demand. Already, foreign countries create favorable conditions for medical specialists from around the world. For example, in March 2020, the US State Department announced that official Washington invites doctors to apply for a visa interview from all over the world who previously applied for a visa or training programs in the United States. Medical specialists who are already in the United States will be able to extend a visa for a period of 1 to 7 years. 

Information Technology

According to forecasts, the number of business trips will decrease significantly and they will be replaced by online communication capabilities. Already, governments in many countries have called on businesses to transfer workers to a remote work format, if their responsibilities allow. The key to productive and efficient work at home is convenient and affordable software. In particular, we are talking about video conferencing programs, chat rooms, corporate systems with a set of tools for organizing work. In addition to the issue of convenience, the issue of flexibility, mobility and security of data storage is important. Therefore, the need for specialists who can develop appropriate software, work with it and establish remote work between specialists will only grow.

Industry and Production

Scientists at the European Institute of the London School of Economics predict that one of the key consequences of the pandemic will be the transfer of many industrial facilities from China closer to consumers. This will increase the amount of investment in local production. As a result, demand for highly skilled specialists who have expertise in a specific industry will grow. Particular attention should be paid to the combination of the latest technology and production. A vivid example is the ability to work with a 3D printer, from the skills of developing layouts to servicing a 3D printer.

Content Creation

Brands still need great visual content, but the conditions in which they work have changed. Today, the need for quick solutions with the highest quality possible has grown. If earlier the emphasis was on production with a large team, long scripting and casting work, today there is a need for specialists who can adapt to the speed of events. Informational events change almost daily and the promo you will be working on for a long time in a month or two may be completely inappropriate. Therefore, interest will be growing in creators, content managers, marketers who are able to work in new realities.

Also, educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, universities) met with the problem of the ability to work with online platforms and the production of visual content as the main activity, rather than offline promotional events. For example, after the announcement of quarantine at Harvard, they began to look for specialists who will help professors in the production and promotion of YouTube channels for individual courses. And over time, this trend will only grow.

About the author

Melisa Marzett is the author of many articles and is striving for more opportunities to assist with either writing, editing, proofreading or all at once. Far from everyone has the talent to write. For those who are seeking custom writing help, is a way out. Melisa is a professional of her craft and simply a life enthusiast. She does not believe in god but in herself. Her life motto is “Go out on a limb… that’s where the fruit is”.

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