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Best Countries to Study and Work

If you intend to study abroad, and do not have a scholarship that can take care of all of your expenses, you should actively consider getting a part-time or full-time employment. No doubt, it is a fantastic way to maintain an alternative steady source of income that allows you to tackle problems without having to worry about money. We have researched and found the 5 best countries in which you can work and study.

As you would expect,the number one problem that international students face is not being allowed to work while studying abroad. One country which makes it very difficult for international students to obtain a working permit is Italy. It is not that you can not work while studying, but it is very difficult. Countries like China allow international students to work but make the application process for a working permit very difficult. The United States on the other hand equally has very complicated laws and strict regulations when it comes to working while studying. Other countries, like Costa Rica, international students are permanently banned from working while studying.

Thankfully, there are tons of countries, which give a fantastic educational experience and also let international students work part-time at the same time. Some apply really high restrictions while others are easy to navigate. Find below the list of countries that make it easy for students to earn cash while studying.There are as follows:.

1.  Sweden

Sweden is a fantastic place to live and also a great place to study. Sweden has tons of top ranking universities, and while Sweden is not among the top ten countries when it comes to quality of the education system, it still ranks as the best choices in the world for international students across the world.

The country has flexible rules when it comes to allowing international students to work and study. Say you have a residence permit in Sweden (or you obtain one if you’re studying there), you won’t have an official limit on how many hours you can work as an international student.

2.United Kingdom

There is no doubt that some of the best universities in the world are based in the UK, but the country has strict regulations when it comes to working while studying. The good thing is that if you’re a citizen of the EU, EEA (European Economic Area), or Switzerland there’s no cap on the number of hours you are allowed to work per week, and you won’t have to do an application as well. All you have to do is let your employer know where you hail from.

If you hail from outside the EU, then the rules are quite different. To start with, you will need a Tier 4 (General) Student Visa. And then there are still a number of restrictions. You can look them up on the site of the University of Edinburgh. It basically says,you can work 20 hours per week if you’re enrolled in a full-time programme at degree level or above or 10 hours per week if on a below degree level. 

Related Post:How to Study in the United Kingdom for Free

3. France

Presently,France is one of the nicest places to study abroad if you’re an international student and have a scholarship that takes care of all of your living expenses. Assuming you need work to cover your costs, France is still an ideal destination. Infact, France allows all international students to work while studying.

These students however are restricted to 964 hours a year (60 percent of the legal work year or about 19 hours per week), and if they come from outside the EU, they are expected to have a student resident permit. APT or temporary work permit is required only for Algerian students. Every other student is able to work without having one.

Related Post:7 Easy Ways to Study in France for Free (Scholarships)

4. Canada

Canada is an amazing country with so some much to offer in the way of education and postgraduate opportunities, especially if you intend to live there after your program. The country makes it easy for international students who want to stay and work in Canada after their programs. In case you want to work while studying, the rules are a bit complicated, so we’ll explain them abit more for your benefit.

International students are able to work on campus if they are a full-time post-secondary student at:

  • A public post-secondary school, such as an accredited college or university
  • The CEGEP in Quebec (a private college-level school in Quebec that runs under the same guidelines as public schools and is at least 50% funded by government aid)
  • A Canadian private school that can legally award degrees under provincial law.

Note that a study permit and a Social Insurance Number are equally required. There’s no cap on the hours for on campus work.

5. Australia

If you are able to obtain a student visa and do a college program in Australia, we can confidently tell you that not only can you work there while studying but any family members (family members included in your student visa application) that are living with you are also able to work while you study in the country. The same rules are applicable to both students and their family members.

During your studies, all of you can work up to 20 hours per week and full-time during breaks. And assuming you are a postgraduate research student, you are able to work full-time if you started a masters in research or a doctoral degree. The same rules apply to all your family members!

Related Post:Low Tuition in Australia: Tuition, Cost of Living and Financial Aid

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