Watson University is currently accepting applications from international students interested in receiving a 21st century entrepreneurial education in the United States. Both partial and full scholarships would be available for all admitted students.
Watson is open to applicants within the ages of 18-23 ( although special exceptions can be made), without bias to nationality-American or international. Teams of students working on the same idea can apply as a team. Watson is an incubator for change makers of all kinds. Watson encourages a diversity of change makers in each admitted class, knowing that to solve the toughest problems facing the world a broad spectrum of solutions are crucial. Our mission is to help students take their ideas from concept stage or early implementation to launch.
As selection criterion, Watson looks primarily for the depth of a student’s motivation. That is, Who are you and why are you driven to do what you do? We are looking for the depth and authenticity of your drive, sense of purpose, and vision for yourself and the world. We believe this sense of purpose is even more important than the specific idea an applicant applies with.
Length of Program
Selected Scholars enroll in Watson for either a two year degree track or our one semester program (Fall and Spring) in Boulder, Colorado. In addition, Watson has launched summer Institutes in the Philippines and Philadelphia which run for between two weeks and two months sometime between June-August.
Tuition fees
$15000 is charged per semester for feeding, accommodation and housing. But several partial and full scholarships are available for both international and American students.
Application Deadline
October 10th for early decision round
Nov 20th for regular decision (please confirm from official website)
Semester commencement dates
Spring dates are January 19-May 8, 2015. Fall dates are August 31-December 18, 2015.
Click here to apply and for more info: http://www.watsonuniversity.org/apply/