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Application Process for Universities in Austria, France and Canada

apply to austriaAustria

Austria is an European country well reputed for being rich in culture. Some of its cultural heritage includes fun laden skiing centers, grand mountainous landscapes, and famous regal architecture. Austria boasts of having the largest number of museums and gallaries. Aside its breath taking architecture, Austria is an epicenter of great artworks, being home to most of the worlds accomplished artists. Austria is certainly home away from home opening its doors to over 3,500 international students pursuing bachelor, postgraduate and doctoral degrees.

Method of Application

To study in Austria, the student’s application together with other documents and material must be received by the University before the deadline, as late application shall not be condidered. Some institutions provide online portal to help give updates via emails

Deadline for Application

All needed supporting materials for application must be received by Australian University on/before 1st September. Application deadline are not flexible but fixed. Students are advised to submit their application early enough to give the school sufficient time to process their application


France has one of the largest economies in the world, ranking 6th place. This is due to its quality educational system and its reputation for research and innovation. Frenchmen are reputed for scientific innovations, high business acumen and rich cultural heritage. Some of their accomplishments include Airbus, high speed trains(TGV) Arianne rocket, discovery of HIV etc. France is the best place to be if you are looking for the best education in political science, engineering, arts and humanities, management.

Currently, over 230,000 international students study in France every year.

Method of application

Students living in Europe but are not European citizens should apply through various French embassies in their country of residence. You shall also be expected to make an online application known as CEF which will enable you apply for the mandatory Preliminary Admission ( demande d’ admission prèalable – DAP). There is also provision for online visa application.


Canada offers high standard education in several fields of study ranging from Aerospace Engineering to Zoology. Canadian Universities offers degree programs at Undergraduate, Masters and Doctorate level. On the other hand, Canadian Colleges offer only Undergraduate programs. Canada promises adventure being home to one of the most beautiful landscapes and city scapes

Application Process

Secondary School leaving result or relevant transcript are needed to process admission in Canadian Universities. For students that have English as a second language, will complete IELTS, TOEFL, CANTEST or CAEL as proof of command of the English language. Two letters of recommendation by a teacher showing your achievements, strengths etc. Students are expected to write a personal statement stating why Canada is their choice country for education. The statement should also state how you intend being a bright student in Canada.                                                                                                 [adsenseyu1]


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