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Application Process for Low Tuition Universities in Austria, Denmark, and Luxembourg


Austria lies at the heart of Europe by the beautiful and massive Alps. Austria has tremendously contributed to enriching the European socio- economic culture with great innovators and thinkers such as Sigmund Freud, Ludwig Wittgensteign or Franz Kafka, or decorated musicians such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Austrian cities like Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck, or Graz are truly beautiful and are great places to explore Austria’s rich history, literature, philosophy and art.

In addition to its historical and cultural riches, you will want to choose Austria as a study destination because of the high quality of its university education,  low tuition fees or the opportunity of learning one of the world’s most popular languages; German. It’s not surprising then that Over 59000 international students in 2009 came down to Austria for their undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

Application Process

Whether you want to study in Austria as an undergraduate student or as a post graduate (student, you will be required to submit your application to the university or college of your choice by following the registration steps shown below:


*Contact your university’s Student Admission Office for the application form. In most cases, the application form can be accessed online, but it might be to you sent via post to your local address


*Have all supporting documents ready, so you can submit them as well to prove academic readiness for your proposed course of study.


 *Complete your application forms and return them via post or email to your your university along with certified original copies of your supporting documents.

You will receive an email stating whether you’ve been admitted or not. Upon admission, your university will issue you a student pass whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student. This student pass you’ll have to show at certain places to prove that you are a bona fide student of the University.

Kindly note that your academic transcript as well as your gpa from your secondary school classes will be used to determine whether you qualify for the program/s you‘ve selected.


On the first of January 1973, Denmark became the first Nordic country that to join the EU. It currently has 31 universities of higher learning. Although Norway introduced tuition free policy for non-EU students, EU and exchange students still enjoy free tuition if they get admitted into Danish universities. At the same time, Danish universities also have scholarships/funds and other forms of financial assistance for students who can’t afford to pay tuition. The aim is to admit the best students from all over the world to study in Denmark. It might interest you to know that well over 22000 international students went down to Denmark in 2009 for various academic pursuit.

In Denmark, you will enjoy the informal atmosphere in class at university, an international approach to education as well as a large array of progressive study programs.

Application Process

Applying for bacherlor’s programs in Denmark is super easy. All you’ve gotta do Is create an account on, where you will be allowed  the chance to input your personal information, previous academic information as well as a list of study programs you are interested in. Note that is an electronic joint application system created by the Danish Ministry of Education. Even if you don’t have a Danish CPR number, you can still register and apply for the study programs of your choice. However, If you are a graduate student seeking admissions in Denmark, you will need to contact your institution directly for information on the admission criteria.


Although French, German and Luxembourgish are the official languages of the country, you can also study in eEnglishin Luxembourg. Generally, the language of instruction in higher education in Luxembourg is in English and any of the official languages of Luxembourg, which allows international students the opportunity to gain fluency in several languages while still earning a university degree. Luxembourg, a founding member of the European Union, is home to some of Europe’s most important institutions, such as the European Court of Justice or the European Investment Bank.

Application Process

  • If you have successfully completed upper secondary studies in one of the signatory countries of the Lisbon Convention, are in possession of a valid school leaving certificate and qualify for higher education studies in your home country, you may also qualify for higher education studies in Luxembourg. However, you are requested to prove your level of English, French, German or Luxembourgish depending on the study program you have applied for. In some cases, you are also requested to take additional qualifying courses.
  • Master’s programs

If you are applying for a master’s program at university in Luxembourg, you are required to be in possession of a relevant bachelor’s or equivalent degree diploma.

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