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Application Deadlines for Universities in Sweden, Czech and Hungary


Sweden is a hotspot destination for international students seeking top notch education overseas. With a very rich and captivating culture, the country attracts over 40,000 international students every year.

Deadline for applying to Universities in Sweden

For English based courses, application commences by mid-January for fall semester, while mid-August for winter semesters


Czech offers high quality education to international students through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Although majority of the courses are taught in Czech language, there are still other courses taught in English.

Deadline for applying to Universities in Czech

Applications are accepted between February and March across Czech Universities. To make application more convenient to students, most Universities have provided online application portal


For all courses taught in Hungarian language usually have two batches a year

  • 15th February: For studies commencing in fall semester
  • 15th November: For courses commencing in Spring semester

For English taught courses, students are to apply at least a semester before the commencement of their study.


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