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Application deadlines for low tuition universities in Hungary, Greece and Iceland

hunIn this post, we will be discussing the application deadlines of low tuition universities in Hungary, Greece, and Iceland. We hope you enjoy reading the post and take some time to share the article by using the social media button share at the bottom of the post to share the article.


Generally, there are two main intakes for academic programs whose language of instruction is Hungarian: There are as shown:

  • 15 February: for programs starting in the fall semester
  • 15 November: for studies beginning in the spring semester

For study programs and courses whose language of instruction is English, note that the application deadline would vary largely. In all cases, international students are requested to submit their applications a semester in advance before the beginning of the proposed course. In Hungary, the fall semester starts from the first fortnight of September to the end of January. The spring semester starts in the first fortnight of February and lasts until the end of June.

For more info on the admission process and tuition fee of Hungarian schools click here


First-year students

If you are applying for undergraduate programs for the first time, you will send in your application usually by the end of July or the beginning of August of the same year before you start your studies.

Undergraduate and graduate students

Applications are usually submitted within the first fortnight of each academic semester. In Greece the fall semester starts on September 1 and lasts for 15 weeks, i.e., until mid-December. The spring semester starts on February 1 and ends in mid-May.

For more info on the admission process and tuition fee of Greek schools click here


Application deadlines for programs at universites in Iceland vary depending on the higher education institution and the study program selected. However, most institutions in Iceland usually have application deadlines from March to June for studies beginning in the fall semester (September). In most cases, international undergraduate and graduate students should apply before March 15, except Nordic students, who can apply before April or the beginning of June.

We recommend you contact the admissions officer of your intended institution you are interested in and ask for the specific deadline for the studies of your choice.

For more info on the admission process plus tuition fee click here

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