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Admission requirements for studying free in Germany and Finland



For international students desiring to study  free in Germany, please note that your O’level results  stating your academic grades will be accepted for a transcript(solid academic grades could give you an advantage)

-A Birth certificate

-A valid international passport

-Sound health with a medical certificate confirming this


A degree certificate and transcripts  which shows the course studied in university as well as the results obtained. In addition to this, you also need the following:

-Birth certificate

-An authentic international passport

-You must be in Sound health with a medical certificate stating in the affirmative

-Two Reference letters from two different people

-A well written research work or a written statement of purpose.

Finland Admission requirements

To apply for  an undergraduate program in Finland, a prospective international student will be required to provide a high school/secondary school certificate which is legally recognized both in your country and in Finland. That is, an institution that is legally approved by the government of your country. A TOELF test score, as well as an international passport if you’ll require a visa to travel to Finland.

For postgraduate studies, applicants will be required to provide their degree results and transcripts, as well as a statement of purpose and two reference/recommendation letters. In Finland, please note that admission requirements vary from school to school, you will be required to contact the school directly for specific and detailed details on how to  apply. 

How to apply

One good things about universities in Finland is that they all accept direct online application, so you wont need to waste your money on working your application through an admission agent. I have provided a full list of universities in Finland, so you can contact them directly and send your admission application.

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