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Study in Germany: Tuition Fees and Cost Of Living

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Germany hosts universities of top quality standards, every year thousands of students are

offered opportunities to achieve their dream to study in Germany. It provides a wonderful

experience of education in a very hi-tech society. Germany is fast becoming a home to

international students from all around the world and Nigerian students are not an exception.

Germany hosts universities and colleges that strive to help international students get the

pre-requisites necessary for quality education and a brighter future and you can tap into

this chance of a life time.

Adaptation is not a problem for international students because many universities offer

opportunities during semester breaks to work on skills to adapt to their host community

( usually between June – September ).Few times courses are offered in the winter break to

help international students take courses to help them integrate into the German society.

Outside the university’s learning system, lots of private schools in Germany help students

providing them with courses so students can have a knowledge of Germany and German

language and prepare students for live in Germany – this is a wonderful opportunity !

Keep in mind, Germany is the heart beat of Europe and studying in Germany provides

lots of benefits to students post-academia future so keep in mind study in Germany

provides lots of opportunities both for the present and future development of students.

Degrees from German universities and colleges are acceptable all around the world

and proves proficiency because Germany is one of the most productive country on earth.

German universities offers practical studies in every step of the way as part of study life.

Interns play lots of role in many study programs and professor recommends and guide

them in this process.

Depending on area of concentration, numerous activities and experiences are core part

during holiday periods. Most universities and colleges have partnership agreements with

institutions all around Europe, this provides students with opportunities to travel around

both within and outside Germany exposing them to more experiences that aids their


With more experiences on the table, students in no time can begin to travel through the

28-nation bloc European region and get broader experience for future prospects – This

makes Germany the best choice to kick start your future career.

Jump start your career today by studying in Germany, The first graduate degree obtained in studies in

Germany is Bachelor. Students are offered opportunity to extend their studies to study additional Master course.

Whether it’s a bachelor degree program or Masters’ program German universities are focused on research projects that earns their institutions a high pedigree across the world. State institutions provides benefits and financial assistance for research projects and provides students opportunities to embark on personal projects and learn in real life experiences.

With this broadened experiences gained during studies students can move on to become independent and productive in their careers after  their study life.


Universities in Germany do not charge tuition fees for undergraduate studies. In fact this has

been in existence since October 2014. Universities were charging tuition fees before October 2014,

but the measure was unpopular and they started to abolish the measure one after the other,

it became a popular event that now all universities offer tuition free education – even for international

students. Both domestic and foreign students get to enjoy the benefits of tuition-free education in


If you consider it, Germany could be a very good choice for your post-secondary learning.

Some federal universities charge a small contribution (about 65 dollars) per session.

For Masters and PhD programs, studies get to pay for tuition; this cost is in addition to confirmation

and enrollment fees. Do not worry if you are a post graduate student because good number of

scholarships are up for post graduate studies in Germany.

Over 22 universities over tuition free education for international students wishing to study in Germany.

Be informed however, you have to provide for your own living expenses – accommodation, feeding and

lifestyle expenses.


You will be required to take care of your expenses,make a budget of $800 – $1000 for books and

study materials, healthcare, feeding and accommodation expense per month and you’ll do just fine,

this means you have to put in place a budget of $9,600 – $12,000 yearly.

As an international student makes a budget of $12,000 yearly if you wish to study in Germany.

This is a small fee compared the quality of education you will be enjoying. Do not forget universities in Germany rank very high and deliver research based education.

Hurry up make Germany your preferred choice of learning for post-secondary learning today.


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