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How to Apply For Visa to Study Abroad

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Getting visa to study in a country can be a hectic process depending on the country you are applying for the visa. When it comes to visa application different countries have different visa requirements and its always advisable you contact the embassy of the country you want to travel to first, before you start visa processing. The embassy will furnish you with all the details you need to know about getting the study visa for that particular country.

In today’s post, I will be providing you with a general tips you need to follow when you are about applying for a study visa.

Once you have been given a study offer by a university, the next thing on the mind of a student is how to obtain a visa as fast as possible to enable him/her travel to the foreign country. Most students may find it very difficult to obtain a visa since visa application process can be complicated or time consuming sometimes.

To get a study visa quickly, one must first and foremost get visa documents ready. Note that these visa documents vary from one country to another. So the big question; what are the documents needed to obtain a study visa?  The documents you need to obtain a visa include but not limited to the following:

  • Proof of Acceptance

An offer letter issued by an approved university stating that you have met the minimum requirements to pursue your studies in their university.

  • Evidence of financial capacity

Students are usually asked to provide proof that he has enough funds to pay for his tuition, and living expenses. This can be provided in the form of bank statements, financial aid award letters to mention but a few. If the student is on scholarship, he/she can provide sponsorship letters from the scholarship awarding body.

  • Proof of health insurance

Though this can be optional, some countries require that students buy health insurance that covers them while they are abroad. This health insurance can be purchased from any reliable insurance company in your home country.

  • Passport photographs

Two to four passport photographs are usually required by the embassy when you are applying for visa. Ensure that the pictures are very clear and bright.

  • Application fee

Depending on the country you are traveling to, you will be expected to pay a certain amount of money for processing of the visa to that country. However, you will have to pay an amount of money ranging from  $100 to $600 which is non-refundable. If you are refused visa, you will have to pay this money again whenever you reapply for the visa.

  • Good health

Students need to provide a medical certificate from a qualified doctor showing that they don’t have any terrible health problem, like HIV, Tuberculosis etc. This test can be done in any good government hospital or a hospital refereed by the embassy.

  • Language proficiency

In some English speaking countries, language proficiency is part of a requirements for visa application. To proof your proficiency in the use of English language, results from TOEFL or IELTS is usually needed.

  • Under age

Students that are under the age of 18 years may need additional documentation such as parental consent and information about who will provide for their accommodation and welfare.

  • Immunizations

Certain countries require specific immunizations before visa is will be granted. These countries are;  Japan, some in Africa and in parts of south America.

So we hope that this article has been helpful. If you follow our tips, you should be able to submit a visa application without any mistake.. However, if after going through these tips you still are unable to apply yourself, please contact us and we shall help you out. Don’t forget to share our post to your friends so they can also benefit from this information.


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