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2015/2016 UQ Economics Scholarship for International Students

UQThis is a study abroad free scholarship for international students. University of Queensland is currently inviting applications from economics international year 12 students. Please note that the selection criteria used in awarding this scholarship will be based on Year 12 results as well as academic achievements recorded in Years 11 and 12. A three year scholarship, taking care of 50% of tuition fees to an international student completing Year 12 studies will be awarded. The application deadline is 20 November 2015.

Subject(s) Available: Scholarships will be provided for study programs in bachelor of Economics (BEcon) program at the University of Queensland.
Course Level: Scholarships will be available for pursuing bachelor degree level at University of Queensland.
Scholarship Provider: University of Queensland, Australia
Scholarship can be taken at:

Eligibility: Please note that only International students completing Year 12 in Australia are eligible to apply.
-Criteria based on Year 12 results and broad academic achievement in Years 11 and 12.
-Previous study of economics at school or college is not required for enrolment in the BEcon program, or for the scholarship.
-Short listed candidates will be required to attend to an interview.

Scholarship Open for International Students: International Students can apply for these scholarships.

Scholarship Description: The School of Economics at The University of Queensland is offering a three year scholarship, covering 50% of tuition fees to an international student completing Year 12 studies in Australia.

Number of award(s): Not Known

Duration of award(s): Scholarships are offered for three years.

What does it cover? The University of Queensland is offering a three year scholarship, covering 50% of tuition fees to an international student completing Year 12 studies.

Selection criteria: Not Known

Notification: Not Known

How to Apply: Please note that the mode of applying is online. Before submitting your application please make sure you include the following documents
UQ School of Economics Scholarship Application Form
-A covering letter out lining your motivation to study Economics at The Univeristy of Queensland
-Your years 11 and 12 academic records
-A summary of extra-cirricular activities

Online Application Form

Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is 20 November 2015.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application



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